#Receptiogate: Professorin verliert Titel in Zürich https://archivalia.hypotheses.org/180774 #biblioblogs
a notable addition for anyone who wants to dig into the history: the Wayback Machine took down all the snapshots of the receptio.eu website, but archive.ph has them going back almost to the beginning of #receptiogate https://archive.ph/www.receptio.eu
in updating my zotero bibliography on #receptiogate https://www.zotero.org/groups/4971050/receptiogate , I'm finding a lot of Mastodon posts among the Google search results which I didn't catch before - I guess Google is digging deeper now than it did back in February - e.g. https://fedihum.org/@christof/109886657959569637
Interesting discussion of Receptio's social media strategy #ReceptioGate https://twitter.com/WhiteKnightti/status/1654004544383188993
Here's some recent discussion on #ReceptioGate, among (mostly) scientists, approaching it from the angle of faking data in research results https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35667205 . It's interesting to see Receptio getting the result they've been working for: one commenter found their site and concludes "What we have here are just two parties claiming stuff."
@LudoWaltman I think that’s it. I got the same concern expressed at a meeting on preprints in the MENA area. It’s reminiscent of the #receptiogate “blogs don’t count”.
ReceptioGate and the (Absolute) State of Academia
url: https://thecritic.co.uk/receptiogate-and-the-absolute-state-of-academia/
discussions: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35667205
52 minutes ago|4 points|0 comments
summary: #ReceptioGate is a case of academic malpractice involving a researcher plagiarising the work of another and setting up a bogus research institute to capture grants for producing derivative work, artificially boosting publication metrics. The case highlights the negative impact of the academia funding model incentivizing gaming the system rather than promoting innovative and quality research. A sensible system of research funding decoupling funding from artificial metrics is needed to reduce instances of fraud and waste and improve research quality.
It will be interesting to see when the University of Zurich @uzh removes this page: https://www.rose.uzh.ch/de/seminar/wersindwir/mitarbeitende/rossic.html
Rossi has caused huge embarrassment to the university, so I imagine they want to cut all ties as soon as possible.
She was granted the honorary title of Titularprofessorin on 14 April 2017, for a term of 6 years, so maybe they are giving her until the end of this month?
I don't know whether #ReceptioGate will be taken up in this webinar, but it would make a good case for the discussion https://oaspa.org/scholarly-communication-in-crisis-research-integrity-and-open-scholarship/
It may appear that nothing has been happening on the #ReceptioGate front, but in fact ... well, actually, nothing has been happening https://twitter.com/mssprovenance/status/1640364134251347969
#receptioGate has gone quiet recently, but things are still happening:
-- Someone (we can all guess who) has got Archive.org to remove all the archived snapshots of the Receptio.eu website.
-- Team Receptio is still actively harassing at least one scholar by pursuing a (bogus) police complaint against them.
@bytebro Oh, I have. Sometimes they have #receptiogate details, but that's about it.
Just went to the birdsite to get an update on #receptiogate and all I learned is that search is broken on Twitter. Just generally, you can't search, for plain text or hashtags.
"Something went wrong, but don't fret - it's not your fault."
No shit, Elon.
Just visited birdsite, here's a #receptiogate update.
The receptiogate account had zero followers, then appears to have purchased a couple of thousand Turkish bot-followers. [alternate theory - fans of RecepTayyipErdogan got confused.]
But most were created this month. Bird user FrenchBloke ran a scan that found 98.4% were fake.
Agressive gaslighting and blocking of critics by the receptiogate account continues apace.
Re: #ReceptioGate - Private Eye said that Carla Rossi was scheduled to give a lecture in #Barcelona on 27 February.
Did anyone go?
new summary of #ReceptioGate here:
Private Eye News: Swiss abyss
#receptiogate #manuscripts #academia #plagiarism
A good brief update on #ReceptioGate from Private Eye Magazine https://twitter.com/jeremyblevy/status/1631707114740514825