The final concert of the #ReceptionWeekend saw Sharon Phelan play first, followed by Mohammad Reza Mortazavi and Mark Fell playing together.
#SharonPhelan #MohammadRezaMortazavi #MarkFell #concerts #gigs
#receptionweekend #sharonphelan #mohammadrezamortazavi #markfell #concerts #gigs
At the afternoon concert of the #ReceptionWeekend 's second day I saw performances by Julia Reidy and Rob Casey. Sadly I had to leave early and missed Judith Hamann.
#receptionweekend #juliareidy #robcasey #gigs #concerts
Last night's first of the concerts in the #ReceptionWeekend series. Sadly I arrived late and missed Cora Venus Lunny, but I did catch @philmaguire & Pat Thomas.
#receptionweekend #philmaguire #PatThomas #gigs #concerts