For those who wish to fund their own #Pleroma bugBounty, we made a (hashtag) FediFlyer for that.
Download the SVG at the #qotoDotOrg Gitlab (we promise there's no js in it :) and start advertising #Fediverse, Pleroma and your #bugBounty.
Together let's 'Reclaim the #openWeb'.
#pleroma #qotoDotOrg #fediverse #bugbounty #openweb #reclaimTheOpenWeb
Think #bitcoin is the enemy™? You may have been #CambridgeAnalytica'd.
Over the past two decades easy #monetaryPolicy has given us #dotCons that are actively destroying civilisation now.
Yet #theCambridged have been so #indoctrinated by 'bitcoin is the enemy' #tropes they are actively seeking to undermine a fundamental pillar in the fight for #degrowth, to #reclaimTheOpenWeb and to #reclaimHumanity.
#useBitcoinCore #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #stopFiatCurrency #clownWorld
#bitcoin #cambridgeanalytica #monetarypolicy #dotcons #theCambridged #indoctrinated #tropes #degrowth #reclaimTheOpenWeb #reclaimHumanity #useBitcoinCore #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #stopFiatCurrency #clownworld
★ F e d i v e r s e
... reclaim the open web
#reclaimTheOpenWeb #fediverse #openweb
Say it with us.
You may be interested in #ReclaimTheOpenWeb for a fun, holiday #signWriting project, also.
#reclaimTheOpenWeb #signWriting
If it helps, our favourite phrasing in this context is, "#ReclaimTheOpenWeb".
It's disturbing to see 2% of the cryptoCommunity that like the #scamTokens try to hijack #Internet3p0.
We've been talking about it in terms of #selfHosting over genuinely decentralised and privacy-respecting protocols (eg. #I2P, to a lesser extent Tor)
#reclaimTheOpenWeb #scamTokens #internet3p0 #selfhosting #i2p
We have the means but average joe needs a more complete understanding of a) where things are going is we don't act b) how to act.
We produced (# hashtag) FediFlyer earlier this year to help, draw #Fediverse signs and put em on your car (our preferred slogan is #reclaimTheOpenWeb) and wear tees that highlight FOSS.
We can joke about #EtheriumScams on Fedi until we are 'blue in the face'.
Fact is, the #legacyMedia are slowly bringing legitimacy to the #scamTokens, with each outrageous story they publish.
Unless we reach the #theNextGeneration with our toots they *will* permit #theCourts to uphold the #NFT idiocy.
What good will toots do, then?
Don't just preach to the converted. Print (#) FediFlyer. Make signs. Wear tees.
We neglect radical action at our peril.
#legacymedia #TheNextGeneration #theCourts #nft #reclaimTheOpenWeb #omn #EtheriumScams #scamTokens
We can joke about #EtheriumScams on Fedi until we are 'blue in the face', so to speak.
The fact is the #legacyMedia are slowly bringing legitimacy to the #scamTokens, with each outrageous story they publish
Unless you are reaching the #theNextGeneration with your toots they **will** start demanding that #theCourts respect their collective stupidity.
What good will your toots be then?
Print a (#) hashtag FediFlyer. Make signs. Don't just preach to the converted.
#EtheriumScams #legacymedia #scamTokens #TheNextGeneration #theCourts #omn #reclaimTheOpenWeb