Two hours 'til the big moment. That's right, it's almost time for... THE RECLAIM OPEN DOCUMENTARY, SPECIAL EDITION. At 12pm ET, we're capping off #ReclaimOpenOnline in style, celebrating your edtech stories. None of this could have happened without our amazing community. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
ARE. YOU. READY?! Monday, 12pm ET, we're ending the month (and #ReclaimOpenOnline) with a bang with our #ReclaimOpen documentary full of amazing stories from the edtech community on the past, present and future of the web. We can't wait to celebrate thirty years of the open web with you.
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
Join us in one hour at 12pm ET for some sweet sessions: creating an astrophysics API, making your website a lean, clean environmentally friendly machine, empowering digital creativity in students, and the art of virtual pinball. #ReclaimOpenOnline
Really compelling talk from @Linkletter just wrapped up for #ReclaimOpenOnline.
Sign the Pledge against academic surveillance!
“I will do everything in my power to obstruct, work against, and end academic surveillance technologies and their harm against students.”
✏️ sign the Pledge #AgainstSurveillance: "I will do everything in my power to obstruct, work against, and end academic surveillance technologies and their harm against students.”
thank you @Linkletter for all you've done and continue to do. and thanks for the opportunity to watch the keynote @reclaimhosting! #ReclaimOpenOnline
#againstsurveillance #reclaimopenonline
Who's ready to rock?! In just two hours at 12pm ET, #ReclaimOpenOnline returns with an awesome DoOO/WPMS panel, a riveting witch trial for #ds106, and a fantastic look at how OER became vital to the SUNY school system. We can't wait to see you there.
This Friday, we're excited for a rocking time at #ReclaimOpenOnline. With a sweet panel on Domain of One's Own and WordPress Multisite (two great tastes that taste great together), a witch trial for #ds106, and a deep dive into the history of OER in the SUNY system, it's sure to be a great day.
It's almost time! In one hour at 12pm ET, Olia Lialina (@GIFmodel) will deliver her keynote speech "Seeing 30 years of www in Different Trajectories" for #ReclaimOpenOnline. We hope you'll join us at to #ReclaimOpen.
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
The week may be over, but #ReclaimOpenOnline carries on! Join us this Monday at 12pm ET, for a super-cool keynote by Olia Lialina (@GIFmodel). Join us for Olia's talk, "Seeing 30 years of www in Different Trajectories"
In just ONE HOUR, we're going to be revisiting some sweet presentations from #ReclaimOpen. Come join us as we #ReclaimOpenOnline -- you can watch and chat along right here at 12pm ET:
#reclaimopen #reclaimopenonline
#ReclaimOpenOnline is rocking and rolling along! Join us tomorrow for a whole fleet of great presentations about digital art and copyright, quick and easy tools for creating web video, minimal computing, and SPLOTs as presented by A.I. 12pm ET on -- be there, or be square. #ReclaimOpen
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
Nothing stops #ReclaimOpenOnline -- this Friday at 12pm ET, we're revisiting more amazing presentations from #ReclaimOpen! These rockstars will tell us all about DoOO in the SUNY system, creating a student worker team to support digital projects, tools for easy-setup websites, and SPLOTs (with an AI-generated presenter...)
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
How are you liking #ReclaimOpenOnline? We always want to hear your thoughts, so come chat with us in Discord (and if you've got blog posts, we LOVE blog posts, so send them our way!)
July is the month of #ReclaimOpenOnline! In two hours, at 12pm, we're sitting down with presenters from the #ReclaimOpen art fair to talk about their awesome projects. You can watch along here and join the discussion in Discord at
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
#ReclaimOpenOnline is happening all month! On Monday, we're sitting down with art fair presenters from #ReclaimOpen to talk about the great projects they have going on. Join us in Discord: and watch along here:
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
Reminder: an hour from now, at 12pm ET, we're replaying some of the great presentations from #ReclaimOpen. Join us to hear about helping faculty develop sustainable digital projects, minimal computing, the new HAXcms platform ("the WordPress killer!") and surveillance in edtech. #ReclaimOpenOnline
#reclaimopen #reclaimopenonline
Remember, tomorrow we're bringing you more #ReclaimOpenOnline, in the form of sweet presentations from #ReclaimOpen by Amy Collier, Ann-Marie Scott, Brian Lamb, Tom Woodward, Lee Skallerup Bessette, Ruth Carpenter, Amy Gay, and Bryan Ollendyke. Talk about an all-star lineup, right? Find them all starting at 12pm ET right here (and schedule info, too):
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
Are you ready for #ReclaimOpenOnline? If you're not, it's time to gear up, because in just two hours at 12pm Eastern, we're kicking off the month with a team reflection on all the great times we had at #ReclaimOpen. Join us here:
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen
At Reclaim, we live by the motto A.B.B.: Always Be Blogging. As we gear up for July's #ReclaimOpenOnline, take a peek at Meredith's recent post reflecting on her #ReclaimOpen experience: Or check out Jim's past-and-future post-conference meditations:
#reclaimopenonline #reclaimopen