I have all my email, going back to 1996, thanks to Thunderbird.
Same Mailbox format, very fast search, #reclaimyourdata works great with Gmail.
If a person wants to block all IP addresses related to #GAFAM and #CloucHore, that is, put in the #firewall all the #IPAdresses related to those companies at the #operatingSystem level...
...is there an easy way to find those addresses?
#deleteGAFAM #deleteGoogle #deleteFacebook #deleteAmazon #deleteApple #deleteMicrosoft #deleteCloucHore #privacy #reclaimYourData #security #internetSecurity #DNSLeaks #DNS #newInternet #useTor #useI2P #endMassSurveillance
#gafam #cloucHore #firewall #IPAdresses #operatingsystem #deleteGAFAM #deletegoogle #deletefacebook #deleteamazon #deleteapple #deletemicrosoft #deleteCloucHore #privacy #reclaimyourdata #security #internetsecurity #DNSLeaks #dns #newInternet #usetor #usei2p #endMassSurveillance
Nice day ending with a successful integration of @Nextclouders and @CollaboraOffice on a client server. Good stuff! #Reclaimyourdata #nextcloud