Are you a #researcher or #datamanagement expert working in a 🇳🇱 Faculty of #SocialSciences? And do you have ideas about how we can better align #PublicationPackages with the #FAIRprinciples & nat'l #OpenScience / #RecognitionAndRewards agendas? Then please join our #participatory #infrastructuring workshop (1.8) at the National Open Science Festival (31 Aug in R'dam)! #Quali and #ethnography folks are especially welcome 😎
#researcher #datamanagement #socialsciences #publicationpackages #FAIRprinciples #openscience #recognitionandrewards #participatory #infrastructuring #quali #ethnography
i had a great day at the #recognitionandrewards festival in utrecht today -- nice to see some familiar faces, and to meet a few new folks as well. many interesting discussions about recognizing supporting roles in dutch higher ed, and the prospects of including engagements with open science in academic assessment practices. /1
"In any group, in order to be successful, you need all sorts of people.”
Assistant professor Peter Ruijten-Dodoiu speaks up about his passion for education and ambition to build a career as an educator at TU/e:
"My aim is to be able to work where my heart lies: in education.”
Assistant professor Rob Mestrom speaks up about his passion for education and ambition to build a career as an educator at TU/e:
"I'm long past believing that choosing an education profile means you're batting in the B league."
Assistant professor @wg_ellenbroek speaks up about his passion for education and ambition to build a career as an educator at TU/e:
Deze leek mij mooi, ook aansluitend bij de Erkennen en Waarderen voor leidinggevenden workshop die ik nu volg... maar is op een maandag avond, 19.30-22u. I.c.m. de rest van mijn werk is dat een dag van 14u.
Blijkbaar is het antwoord op de vraag "Het nieuwe werken: altijd meer?" dus "Ja".
Helaas, deze laat ik voorbij gaan. Ik snap de overwegingen om het buiten werktijd te organiseren, maar ik probeer tegenwoordig mijn werk binnen werktijd te houden.
#recognitionandrewards #worklifebalance
And reading through e-zine reminded me to sign up for the workshops on Recognition and Rewards organized by Utrecht University this spring. Should be interesting...
#RecognitionAndRewards #UniversiteitUtrecht #UtrechtUniversity
#recognitionandrewards #universiteitutrecht #UtrechtUniversity
Beautiful illustrations of dilemmas in Recognition And Rewards in the e-magazine just released. Illustration by Mark van Huystee; our #ScienceIllustration colleagues also need #RecognitionAndRewards (and credit ;) )
#scienceillustration #recognitionandrewards
Feeling very seen after reading this paper on #Interdisciplinarity and those who "do" interdisciplinarity (or perhaps better said, facilitate interdisciplinary work). What kind of role is this in #academia ? And is it recognized enough? (Spoiler alert: probably not ;) )
With all of the interdisciplinary work needed- and being propagated as important- this looks like a good place for #RecognitionAndRewards ... @boselie
Integrate the Integrators! Hoffmann ea 2022
#interdisciplinarity #academia #recognitionandrewards
Some of the frontrunners at #UniUtrecht recently wrote a manifesto on #OpenEducation and connections with #OpenScience, which can be found here:
Many important points on overlaps, including one of my hobbyhorses: the importance of including how much more work #OpenScience, #OpenEducation (and #Interdisciplinarity) are than "business as usual"- and that this needs to be included in assessment of #academic work. #RecognitionAndRewards
#recognitionandrewards #academic #interdisciplinarity #openscience #openeducation #UniUtrecht
#introduction I'm Maria Cruz, senior policy advisor at NWO, the Dutch Research Council. I work on #openscience policies, #researchdatamanagement #researchsoftware #persistentidentifiers #researchculture #recognitionandrewards. I am really proud to have developed and implemented the #NWO #OpenScienceFund I am an astronomer by training.
#OpenScienceFund #NWO #recognitionandrewards #researchculture #persistentidentifiers #researchsoftware #researchdatamanagement #openscience #introduction
Participated in an interesting and engaging focus group session this afternoon, hosted by the Radboud University Medical Center discussing Research Quality Assessment, trying to come to clear criteria and framework. #researchculture #recognitionandrewards
#recognitionandrewards #researchculture