#thechilde nekem az a film, amikor egyes színészeknek baromi jól áll az adott szerep. Egyébként számomra a történet eléggé lassan indult be, de utána valódi energia bombává vált. Voltak pillanatok, amikor csak úgy kapkodam a fejem, hogy mégis mi történik a képernyőn.
#movie #recomendations
#thechilde #movie #recomendations
Re my #tech #code #recomendations thread, thanks so very much, you wonderful people, for all the suggestions ❤️
I have settled on codeberg, their migration tool won me over, but also, very common, standard git interface and behaviour, web and CLI. Very happy boy today.
I'll probably maintain my gh repos as mirrors, as some have been there a while, but I'm still thinking about that.
Re my #tech #code #recomendations thread, thanks so very much, you wonderful people, for all the suggestions ❤️
I have settled on codeberg, their migration tool won me over, but also, very common, standard git interface and behaviour, web and CLI. Very happy boy today.
I'll probably maintain my gh repos as mirrors, as some have been there a while, but I'm still thinking about that.
#tech #code #recomendations request.
I kinda worry about using github since Macroslop acquired it, but after about 48 hours of looking for an alternative, the only ones I can find are all owned by corporate mega c💣s What happened to small git communities? Can anyone recommend a repo & version control site that's still run like a collective? Or am I missing the point? I this corporatisation how capitalism is working to destroy FOSS communities? Acquire, acquire, acquire?
I guess I could self-host, and I could probably even set that up as an invite-only community, but I have 7 projects on the go that each feels like a full time job, the last thing I need is to take on running a community repo 😂
So since I quit my real job I’ve been consuming my usual list of podcasts much faster these days.
Any recommendations? I’m a big fan of all the #voxmedia tech podcasts (vergecast, pivot, waveform) but would love anything that dives deep on niche tech or news in general.
#voxmedia #podcast #recomendations
A #jigokuraku anime eléggé jól sikeredett, mint grafikailag, mint történetileg, mint zeneileg. A történet egyszerű: egy adag elítéltet és kiséröjét elküldenek egy szigetre, hogy megkeressék az élet elixirjét, csakhogy a dolgok nem úgy alakulnak. A részek pörgősek, bár vannak benne lassabb átvezetők. Fenntartják az ember érdeklődését, hogy a következő részt is meg akarja nézni. Várom a következő évadot
#anime #recomendations
#jigokuraku #anime #recomendations
(1/2) An early #solorpg influence was playing and loving the one-page #journalingrpg games from #Gamenomicon (and others) and their #secondguess system.
Some of the first games that clicked for me, easy to learn and play.
I used the #sdr to try my hand at writing my own games and kept adding more rules to make them more open-ended.
Journaling games are a great way to dip into #RPG since a lot of the crunch are in the prompts.
See comment for some #recomendations.
#recomendations #rpg #sdr #secondguess #gamenomicon #journalingrpg #solorpg
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For the last two months I have become fanatical about the Colorado River and reading everything I can about. This is my latest read. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15803144-the-emerald-mile if anyone else have some #recomendations let me know. #Books #reading
#recomendations #books #reading
found some great people on here, thanks for following :
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#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
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#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
Any nd/ADHD/autistic friends that have product recommendations? I've been on sensory overload and bad depression lately and I'm making a wishlist because I'm at my wits end. Sensory, fun things, things that feel nice. Basically all I have is noise cancelling headphones and a weighted blanket since I was just diagnosed with autism last year. Anything that makes you feel better/calmer/more secure/stim with etc.
#adhd #neurodivergent #autism #autistic #recomendations
#adhd #neurodivergent #autism #autistic #recomendations
Any nd/ADHD/autistic friends that have product recommendations? I've been on sensory overload and bad depression lately and I'm making a wishlist because I'm at my wits end. Sensory, fun things, things that feel nice. Basically all I have is noise cancelling headphones and a weighted blanket since I was just diagnosed with autism last year. Anything that makes you feel better/calmer/more secure/stim with etc.
#adhd #neurodivergent #autism #autistic #recomendations
#recomendations #autistic #autism #neurodivergent #adhd
Artificial Intelligence Writing
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for writing (including ChatGPT) can quickly create coherent, cohesive prose and paragraphs on a seemingly limitless set of topics. The potential for abuse in academic integrity is clear, and our students could be using these tools already.
#ai #chatgpt #abuse #academia #recomendations #ethics
Looking for #recomendations on meaningfull #news site/ #rssfeed to read. Something without clickbait headlines, shock reporting and overally lousy articles. #foss #environment #lgbtqi+ #labour #philosophy #socialcare #smallbusiness #sustainability #microeconomy #localsourcing #eu themes. Reason being, in this day and age, I have found nothing meaningfull to read in this departments, save for specialised essay mags / regional outlets. Thanks in advance. Cheerio
#recomendations #news #rssfeed #foss #environment #lgbtqi #labour #philosophy #socialcare #smallbusiness #sustainability #microeconomy #localsourcing #eu
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