I love this research! It combines #archaeology with #virtual #reconstructions and #science to show the oldest settlement with #wooden buildings in France.
#archaeology #virtual #reconstructions #science #wooden
🔥 #Paleofire & #paleoecology #workshop opportunity at the University of #Göttingen, Germany! 🌲
Join this workshop on "Long-term fire-vegetation change: data-based challenges", on-site or online, from February 13-17 for discussions on the current state of fire-vegetation #reconstructions, #FAIR data, and the inclusion of the Global Paleofire #Database #charcoal records into #Neotoma!
More details here:
#neotoma #charcoal #database #fair #reconstructions #gottingen #workshop #paleoecology #paleofire
Here's my #introduction to all you ... Tooters. I'm a refugee from the Tech world, who took early retirement, which enabled me to return to my first love: #archaeology. Specifically, Roman history and archaeology (love the Greeks, Egyptians and Assyrians, too!).
I started getting tired of asking why there weren't any good #reconstructions of ancient polychrome sculpture, so I decided to create them myself. A continuing process, always learning. #polychromy
#polychromy #reconstructions #archaeology #introduction
Joannès Tobas, “Arrestation de Ravachol / Arrest of Ravachol”
There is a single, blurry image floating around the internet of a poster or broadside featuring a poetic complainte on the topic of the "Arrestation de Ravachol." What I am presenting here is a rather less poetic reconstruction of t
#WorkingTranslations #complaints #French/English #Ravachol #reconstructions
#WorkingTranslations #complaints #french #Ravachol #reconstructions
#lemonde #époque "L'hétérosexualité, c'est terminé ?" #sexe #hétérosexualité #reconstructions ... https://www.lemonde.fr/m-perso/article/2020/02/09/l-heterosexualite-c-est-termine_6028942_4497916.html
#lemonde #époque #sexe #hétérosexualité #reconstructions