The move also comes as the #Biden admin & #Congress are grappling w/how to push back on #China w/o tipping the 2 countries into open conflict, & w/how to reduce the risk that #AI is used to magnify #disinformation.
The impact of the Chinese campaign — identified by researchers from #Microsoft, #RecordedFuture, the #RANDCorp, #NewsGuard & the #UofMaryland — is difficult to measure, tho early indications suggest that few social media users engaged w/the most outlandish of the #ConspiracyTheories.
#biden #congress #china #ai #disinformation #microsoft #recordedfuture #randcorp #newsguard #uofmaryland #conspiracytheories
Yo! #RecordedFuture, don't just monitor Mastodon, join it! Love the information from #StopMalvertisin on BirdSite, but I'm not logging into that mire just for your stuff.
#recordedfuture #stopmalvertisin
@shibashecurity We use #recordedfuture and we are tracking this vulnerability. Recorded Future does not list any POCs, just some chatter about the vulnerability and the notification from VMware.
"Crossing the Event Horizon: Intergalactic Travels of a Ransomware Crew" by James Niven and Lindsay Kaye
#Grehack #infosec #cybersecurity #conference #sketchnote #sketchnotes #ransomware #RecordedFuture #BlackMatter #DarkSide #ALPHV
#grehack #InfoSec #cybersecurity #conference #sketchnote #sketchnotes #ransomware #recordedfuture #blackmatter #Darkside #ALPHV
Looking forward to attending this #recordedfuture event in London tomorrow. These guys are good.
#recordedfuture #threatintel #threatintelligence
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, February 2022 Edition - Microsoft today released software updates to plug security holes in its Windows o... #andrewcunningham #cve-2022-21989 #cve-2022-21996 #cve-2022-22005 #recordedfuture #immersivelabs #printspooler #timetopatch #arstechnica #gregwiseman #allanliska #kevinbreen #rapid7 #win32k
#win32k #rapid7 #kevinbreen #allanliska #gregwiseman #arstechnica #timetopatch #printspooler #immersivelabs #recordedfuture #cve #andrewcunningham
Who Wrote the ALPHV/BlackCat Ransomware Strain? - In December 2021, researchers discovered a new ransomware-as-a-service named ALPHV... #blackcatransomware #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #alphvransomware #sergeypenchikov #catalincimpanu #recordedfuture #reversinglabs #sergeykryakov #breadcrumbs #@cookiedays #blackmatter #duckermanit #paulroberts #flashpoint #sergeyduck #duckerman #jasonhill #therecord
#therecord #jasonhill #duckerman #sergeyduck #flashpoint #paulroberts #duckermanit #blackmatter #breadcrumbs #sergeykryakov #reversinglabs #recordedfuture #catalincimpanu #sergeypenchikov #alphvransomware #alittlesunshine #neer #blackcatransomware
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2021 Edition - Microsoft Corp. today released updates to quash at least 55 security bugs in its W... #microsoftexchangeserverzero-day #trendmicrozerodayinitiative #remotedesktopprotocol #cve-20213-38631 #latestwarnings #cve-2021-41371 #cve-2021-42292 #cve-2021-42321 #microsoftexcel #recordedfuture #securitytools #dustinchilds #timetopatch #allanliska
#allanliska #timetopatch #dustinchilds #securitytools #recordedfuture #microsoftexcel #latestwarnings #cve #remotedesktopprotocol #trendmicrozerodayinitiative #microsoftexchangeserverzero
Episode 227: What’s Fueling Cyber Attacks on Agriculture ? - In this episode of the podcast (#227) we speak with Allan Liska, the head of the C... #criticalinfrastructure #recordedfuture #cybersecurity #agriculture #blackmatter #supplychain #ransomware #cybercrime #blackbyte #companies #interview #spotlight #business #darkside #podcasts #malware #threats #podcast
#podcast #threats #malware #podcasts #darkside #business #spotlight #interview #companies #blackbyte #cybercrime #ransomware #supplychain #blackmatter #agriculture #cybersecurity #recordedfuture #criticalinfrastructure
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, September 2021 Edition - Microsoft today pushed software updates to plug dozens of security holes in Window... #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2021 #cve-2021-28316 #cve-2021-30860 #cve-2021-36965 #cve-2021-40444 #recordedfuture #immersivelabs #timetopatch #allanliska #kevinbreen #chrome #google #adobe #apple
#apple #adobe #google #chrome #kevinbreen #allanliska #timetopatch #immersivelabs #recordedfuture #cve #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2021
Talking malware party tricks and cybersecurity trends - I had great fun this week appearing as a guest on Recorded Future's podcast.
Tune in to ... #securitythreats #recordedfuture #podcast
#podcast #recordedfuture #securitythreats
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, February 2021 Edition - Microsoft today rolled out updates to plug at least 56 security holes in its Windows operating syste... #microsoftpatchtuesdayfebruary2021 #cve-2021-21148 #cve-2021-24078 #recordedfuture #securitytools #cve-2020-1472 #cve-2021-1732 #immersivelabs #timetopatch #kevinbreen #zerologon #netlogon
#netlogon #zerologon #kevinbreen #timetopatch #immersivelabs #securitytools #recordedfuture #cve #microsoftpatchtuesdayfebruary2021
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, January 2021 Edition - Microsoft today released updates to plug more than 80 security holes in its Windows operating system... #trendmicroszdiinitiative #windowsdefender #recordedfuture #cve-2018-8514 #cve-2019-1409 #cve-2019-1458 #cve-2020-1660 #cve-2021-1647 #cve-2021-1648 #cve-2021-1709 #immersivelabs #dustinchilds #timetopatch #allanliska #kevinbreen
#kevinbreen #allanliska #timetopatch #dustinchilds #askwoody #immersivelabs #cve #recordedfuture #windowsdefender #trendmicroszdiinitiative
Patch Tuesday, Good Riddance 2020 Edition - Microsoft today issued its final batch of security updates for Windows PCs in 2020, ending the year ... #microsoftpatchtuesdaydecember2020 #microsoftoffice #microsoftteams #recordedfuture #securitytools #oskarsvegeris #timetopatch #allanliska #adobe
#adobe #allanliska #timetopatch #oskarsvegeris #securitytools #recordedfuture #microsoftteams #microsoftoffice #microsoftpatchtuesdaydecember2020
Episode 194: What Happened To All The Election Hacks? - Cyber attacks meant to disrupt the 2020 presidential election in the US were a foregone conclusion. ... #criticalinfrastructure #presidentialelection #electionsystems #recordedfuture #2020election #cyberattacks #crowdstrike #ransomware #topstories #companies #elections #spotlight #podcasts #malware #threats #hacking #china
#china #hacking #threats #malware #podcasts #spotlight #elections #companies #topstories #ransomware #crowdstrike #cyberattacks #2020election #recordedfuture #electionsystems #presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure
Experts Weigh in on E-Commerce Security Amid Snowballing Threats - How a retail sector reeling from COVID-19 can lock down their online systems to prevent fraud duri... #webapplicationfirewall #vulnerabilities #holidayshopping #loyaltyprograms #onlineshoppers #onlineshopping #recordedfuture #securecheckout #ddosextortion #loyaltypoints #phishinglures #onlineretail #websecurity #cardskimmer #ddosattacks #onlinesales #breach
#breach #onlinesales #ddosattacks #cardskimmer #websecurity #onlineretail #phishinglures #loyaltypoints #ddosextortion #securecheckout #recordedfuture #onlineshopping #onlineshoppers #loyaltyprograms #holidayshopping #vulnerabilities #webapplicationfirewall
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, Sept. 2020 Edition - Microsoft today released updates to remedy nearly 130 security vulnerabilities in its Windows operat... #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020 #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftsharepoint #zerodayinitiative #cve-2020-16875 #recordedfuture #securitytools #cve-2020-1210 #dustinchilds #timetopatch #toddschell #alanliska #tenable #ivanti
#ivanti #tenable #alanliska #toddschell #timetopatch #dustinchilds #securitytools #recordedfuture #cve #zerodayinitiative #microsoftsharepoint #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020
‘Wormable’ Flaw Leads July Microsoft Patches - Microsoft today released updates to plug a whopping 123 security holes in Windows and related softwa... more: #microsoftpatchtuesdayjuly2020 #internetexploder #recordedfuture #.netframework #cve-2020-1350 #cve-2020-1410 #cve-2020-1421 #cve-2020-1435 #cve-2020-1436 #cve-2020-1463 #visualstudio #timetopatch #sharepoint #office
#office #sharepoint #timetopatch #visualstudio #cve #recordedfuture #internetexploder #microsoftpatchtuesdayjuly2020
Alleged Hacker Behind Massive ‘Collection 1’ Data Dump Arrested - The threat actor known as ‘Sanix’ had terabytes of stolen credentials at his residence, authoritie... more: #stolencredentials #recordedfuture #collection#1 #hackerforums #threatactor #government #briankrebs #darkweb #ukraine #breach #hacker #sanix
#sanix #hacker #breach #ukraine #darkweb #briankrebs #government #threatactor #hackerforums #collection #recordedfuture #stolencredentials
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, April 2020 Edition - Microsoft today released updates to fix 113 security vulnerabilities in its various Windows operatin... more: #recordedfuture #cve-2020-0796 #cve-2020-0938 #cve-2020-1020 #cve-2020-1027 #timetopatch #allanliska #tenable
#tenable #allanliska #timetopatch #cve #recordedfuture