@subca (2/2)
Now if I out out my tracks as #CreativeCommons CC-BY-ND on #Jamendo, I could re-register them for #ContentID via Jamendo – if the previous registration to ContentID via #RecordJet can be canceled at all.
This would mean that you could use the tracks on #YouTube but not on #PeerTube. And I would get some laughable amount of money per play.
So, third option… I could go for CC-BY-NC-SA and simply give you a personal exceptional right to use those old weird tracks. Probably the best option for CC-licensed music.
Altogether this shows that #CreativeCommons, albeit a brilliant idea, does not carry over into the practical world of today's media use, unless you really can live with giving away all your derived stuff BY-NC-SA.
#peertube #youtube #recordjet #contentid #jamendo #creativecommons
@subca Thanks for your interest.
The situation is a bit complicated. I deleted two releases from #Spotify, #AppleMusic, #GooglePlay, #AmazonMP3 etc. via #RecordJet (which I had used for publisihing). I wanted to re-release them in #Jamendo, however they got deleted instantly due to copyright infringement, since they were still registered with #YouTube #ContentID. Jamendo support have apologized and asked me to re-upload once the tracks are gone from the Spotify world, which may take some time.
However I'm not sure if I ever can escape from the ContentID program with those tracks.
So as long as they were with Spotify & Co, you could have simply used them and when someone would play your video, I would get something like 0,000x¢ of something.
As soon as I put them under #CreativeCommons CC-BY-NC-SA, the tracks would require you to use the same license for your Videos.
(1/2, to be continued)
#creativecommons #contentid #youtube #jamendo #recordjet #amazonmp3 #googleplay #applemusic #spotify
Ein ganz amüsantes Gefühlchen, bei #RecordJet zwei meiner #Veröffentlichungen von #Spotify & Co depublizieren zu lassen.
Eine der zwei EPs ist nun zurück bei #Jamendo, bei der anderen muss ich noch nachdenken, da ich die nicht im Alleingang gemacht hatte.
Ja, zurück zu #CreativeCommons. Das bringt natürlich nix. Das ist, wie sich ein Wählscheibentelefon zu kaufen und irgendwie zum laufen zu bringen, weil man keine Smartphones mag.
Aber die 2€, die bei Veröffentlichungskosten von damals 35€ netto in den letzten 8 oder 9 Jahren über Streaming reinkamen, bringen genauso nix. Und natürlich tut Spotify eine qualitativ mittelwertige Musik weniger, die eh keiner hört, auch nicht weh. Bringt also nochmal nix.
Aber manchmal geht's halt auch ums Prinzip. Spotify & Co, das geht so nicht mehr weiter.
Jamendo für ollen Kram oder Bandcamp für neuen Kram. Fertig.
Ach, und um was ging's? Um das, unter anderem: https://www.jamendo.com/album/528965/cyborgs
#music #release #electronic #berlinschool #vocoder #synthesizer
#synthesizer #vocoder #berlinschool #electronic #release #music #creativecommons #jamendo #spotify #veroffentlichungen #recordjet