Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 20 – Still Lost
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 19 – Where Now?
#LetsPlay #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames #XboxSeriesX
#letsplay #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #XboxSeriesX #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 17 – Sacrifice
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 15 – Swimming
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 14 – Love Lost
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 13 – Besting the Lady of Pharis
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 12 – Battling the Grey Witch
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Anime Explorations Episode 11: Record of Lodoss War (OVA)
#Anime #Podcast #1990sInAnime #Anime #fantasy #podcast #RecordOfLodossWar
#anime #podcast #1990sinanime #fantasy #recordoflodosswar #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 11 – Souls of Heroes
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 10 – Groundskeeper Deedlit
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 9 – Who Needs Dragonlances?
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #Metroidvania #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #metroidvania #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
Where I Play Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth: Part 8 – Playing With Fire
#LetsPlay #DeedlitInWonderLabyrinth #LetsPlay #RecordOfLodossWar #VideoGames
#letsplay #deedlitinwonderlabyrinth #recordoflodosswar #videogames #bot
@deidungeon The #anime called #RecordOfLodossWar was based on an actual #BECMI campaign. Interestingly, it later became a #TTRPG on its own. Yes, it's one of my favorite RPG-related cartoons.
#anime #recordoflodosswar #ttrpg #BECMI
Manga Review: Record of Lodoss War – Crown of the Covenant Vol. 1
#manga #2020sinmanga #fantasy #recordoflodosswar #bot
I’ve been looking for a copy of this soundtrack for years and finally found one. When it arrived, a huge wave of nostalgia came with it. This album is a treasure ✨ #recordoflodosswar #ロードス島戦記 #anime #cd #soundtrack
#recordoflodosswar #ロードス島戦記 #anime #cd #soundtrack
💿 Hoy hablamos de la edición A4 de #RecordofLodossWar editada por @selectavision
🗣 "... es la fantasía misma en fotogramas por segundo." por @LeMorrris
🛒 Podéis comprarla aquí: https://t.co/C4JYcmEuNf
👉 Crítica: https://t.co/DIBtVCBQ3n https://t.co/eJFGzCmbk2
Hey Lodoss War fans, someone translated the original plays published in Comptiq Magazine and uploaded them to @internetarchive
#ttrpg #DnD #lodoss #lodosswar #recordoflodosswar
Buenas tardes gente!! Espero que estéis pasando un buen finde!
Paso brevemente a contar que he estado debajo de una piedra viciando al Record of Lodoss War: Deelit in Wonder Labyrinth (me mata el nombre xdd) hasta literalmente pasármelo dos veces porque la primera se me atascó justo antes de los créditos (tiene algún problemita de rendimiento en el último tramo) y tuve que repetir el boss final xdd
Si os gustan los metroidvanias (más Castlevania que Metroid en este caso), este está bien para pasar el rato, no es especialmete duro y sí bastante cuco. Me ha gustado mucho 🙂
#nintendoswich #Nintendo #recordoflodosswar
😙 ¿Sois jugadores de rol?
📚 Mirar lo que nos ha enviado la gente de Wizards Of The Coast 😯
😉 Sabíais que la franquicia #RecordOfLodossWar tenía sus orígenes en partidas de #DungeonsAndDragons ? https://t.co/lU0LwBoiv7
#recordoflodosswar #dungeonsAndDragons