Last hustle on this #tour - Can't say it was a cakewalk to book but now comes the good stuff - the shows:
Thursday 16th #NYC
Heaven Can Wait - #Brownies #recordreleaseshow
Friday 17th - #kingston #Tubbys
Sat 18th - #PortsmouthNH
The Button Stage
Sun 19th #Boston #Cambridge The State Park Bar
Thur 23rd: #SilverSpring -#washingtonDC
Quarry House Tavern
Fri-24th - #Carrboro NC
Cat’s Cradle (back room) -
Sat-25 - #raleigh
Anisette Sunset Session (3:00PM)
please say hi!
#tour #nyc #brownies #recordreleaseshow #kingston #tubbys #portsmouthnh #boston #cambridge #silverspring #washingtondc #carrboro #raleigh