Djokovic ties the all-time Grand Slam record! 🏆 🎾 🇷🇸
#tennis #djokovic #history #grandslams #records #greatness
Mes p'tits Mastoufoux du soir !
Point #canicule historique.
Le bilan du 10/09/2023.
Encore une rasade de #records !
37° atteint, les 35° sur une grande partie du territoire ...
Dans le détail, je retiens des petits clin d'œil du #RC qui nous dit qu'il s'amuse avec nous, comme ma fille 👧 quand elle martyrise des fourmis 🐜...
Boulogne : 32,6° ( ancien record 31,5°)
Pontarlier efface un #record de 1898 : 32,8° (32°)
Cayeux-sur-mer 33,7° ( 31,7° ... +2°)
#newsclimat #canicule #records #rc #record #climat
Salut mes p'tits Mastoufoux du soir,
Point #canicule : Bilan de la journée Historique du 09/09/2023 !
Encore une frénésie de #records de battus, le #RC s'amuse comme un petit fou dans le jeu de quille de la climatologie française !
Rennes efface ainsi un record vieux de 1961, et passe pour la première fois la barre des 35° en septembre.
#newsclimat #canicule #records #rc #urgenceclimatique
Faut-il des #crises successives pour que l'Homme évolue ? Le #GIEC alerte depuis plus de 20 ans ! Il suffit pourtant d'ouvrir les yeux.. : "Vague de chaleur : visualisez les 305 #records de #température battus en France depuis le début du mois de septembre !?[NLbestofhebdo]-20230909-[content3]
#temperature #records #giec #crises
Les #températures resteront élevées pendant la nuit et atteindront les valeurs #records demain en région parisienne, en Haute-Normandie et sur la Picardie 🌡️🥵
🕐 08/09 15:11
hottest · records · uk · year,cd_min:9/6/2023,cd_max:9/8/2023
#news #uk #records
Une nouvelle journée de #records mensuels pour de nombreuses stations ! Bassin parisien et centre, et Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.... jusqu'à 33° à Langres...
Langres, très ancienne station, à la climatologie bouleversé en 20 ans de RC...
#newsclimat #records #climat #urgenceclimatique #climatecrisis
Près de 200 #records de #chaleur mensuels ont été battus hier. L'indicateur thermique a atteint 25,07°C (moyenne de la journée sur toute la France), soit le + élevé pour un mois de septembre. En revanche, les 32,6°C de l'après-midi restent sous les 33,4°C du 14 septembre 2020 🌡️
🕐 05/09 09:38
Vacation from my vacation almost over.
One more day until I can get back to writing and spending the Fall listening to #records #vinyl #vinylrecords
A long, exhaustive (but very fun) summer, but I’m ready for it to be over.
A random song for you all to enjoy…
A song by one of my favorite bands. A song called “Summer”, that sounds like and reminds me of Autumn.
#90s #90smusic #buffalotom
#records #vinyl #vinylrecords #90s #90smusic #buffalotom
a design for yet another idea of mine that may never get off the ground: a music-based befriending club for housebound people to spend a bit of time with another person sharing their favourite music.
tempted to do it just so i can try #riso printing.
#art #illustration #records #befriending #community
#Community #befriending #records #Illustration #Art #riso
This month’s #reading #records and … 🤷♂️#listening #playlist #photography ? Blog is up!
#photography #playlist #listening #records #reading
En ce 1er septembre, c'est le premier jour de l'#automne météorologique, saison de transition brutale vers l'hiver 🍂Découvrez quelles sont toutes les caractéristiques, la climatologie et les #records de cette saison en France 🌡️👇
🕐 01/09 08:12
Currently working on my FAL Phoenix Mk2 dual deck. Replaced the carts and styli but investigating balance to try and get it more tolerant of scratches and nicks.
It's a prosumer unit fitted with cheap decks, so no counterweight dial, anti-skating, etc. Found a screw on the back of the tone-arm though.
Anyone got a clue if this is a counterweight adjustment or what? No service manual either.
(Yes it's dusty.)
Help please, Fedi!
#vinyl #audio #records #recordplayer #disco #mobiledisco
New Yorker: What We Lose When Streaming Companies Choose What We Watch #NewYorker #Culture/TheFrontRow #Preservation #Streaming #Records #Books #DVDs #CDs
#newyorker #Culture #preservation #streaming #records #books #dvds #cds
Anyone knows a paper on implementing row polymorphism for records (and variants) with type predicates? All the papers I've found are based on giving record rows a different kind, but that leads to annoying issues for me.
What I'm envisioning is, a type class `Record`, and then two types `EmptyRecord` and `RecordExtend label field tail` with rules `Record EmptyRecord` and `Record tail => Record (RecordExtend label field tail)`. Then whenever you need to enforce that something is a record (e.g. when constructing one or accessing a field) you just add a predicate on the type.
I'd love to see if anyone has attempted to formalise this idea though. The fact that I haven't found anything makes me wonder whether it might be unsound or bad.
#typetheory #rowpolymorphism #polymorphism #records #variants
#typetheory #rowpolymorphism #polymorphism #records #variants
Visited a small local music store for the first time this week and it was exactly as expected: CDs and vinyl stacked up to the ceeling, mostly nerdy men looking for obscure records and an owner who quizzed everybody about the rankings of the Rolling Stone Top 500 Albums. It was great, is what I'm saying.
Home sweet home.
Man that was a long trek.
These are all of the records I acquired in my travels; a healthy mix of new and used, and an upgrade copy for my demolished Recipe For Hate.
Gonna sleep for a few days before I spin em and post em, as I’m in desperate need of a vacation from my vacation. 😂
Nice to see you all (and your records) again.
#vinyl #vinylrecords #records