ahimsa · @ahimsa_pdx
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Washington Post article about part of NIH’s RECOVER initiative which includes studying exercise as potential treatment for long covid.

I've attached 2 screenshots, but this quote is a good summary:

“ 'Worst-case scenario, this would harm a lot of people,' said ’s U.S. advocacy director, Ben HsuBorger."

With all we know about PEM why do research on exercise as treatment? 😖

gift link: wapo.st/43j6duZ


#meaction #LongCovid #mecfs #nih #research #recoverinitiative

Last updated 1 year ago

'We beg you': plead for help and funds to find treatments
A observational studies of long patients organized by the , dubbed the , with more than 15,000 adults, pregnant people and children enrolled.


#biotechs #LongCovid #covid #nih #recoverinitiative #Pharma

Last updated 2 years ago