.... Alice learned in Recovery is this: Human beings are always members of a group. They are wives, friends, neighbors, citizens, co-workers .... If the members of a group are predisposed to realistic cooperation they act as partners. The spirit is then that of partnership. If they are predisposed to temperamental explosions they act as partisans and the resulting spirit is that of partisanship. Partnership promotes the purpose of the group, partisanship disrupts it
- MYFMYA Dr. Low #RecoveryInc
Good insight. I am glad to have this possibility pointed out to me.
I think a lot of stuff people struggle with might stem from fear. Fear and Anger, as I would expect Dr. Abraham Low to possibly say.
I mean, one of his books is, Manage Your Fear Manage Your Anger, so I don't think I'm assuming too much that he might say such a thing.
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
What efforts will you endorse yourself for today?
#RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational #MentalHealth
Endorse : to declare one's approval or support of something/someone
Start with, Today I endorse myself for ...
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
We are a capable lot; don’t paralyze yourself with your own fears, sensations and thoughts.
#musicvideo #moodmusic #feelme #goinsane #mentalhealth #RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational
#musicvideo #moodmusic #feelme #goinsane #mentalhealth #recoveryinc #recoveryinternational
How Recovery International Helped Me Stay Sober - by Bob
"I joined Alcoholics Anonymous in 1984 and was on my path to wellness at long last, but it took several years of focus to stay on Sobriety Road. My major stumbling blocks were depression and anxiety, and my anger had turned to rage. I struggled, but I lived and breathed the 12-Steps. One day someone, seeing my challenge, suggested I visit Recovery International."
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
I expected the game to be, what else can we set a too-old-for age limit for?
I was wrong.
Self appointed expectations lead to self induced disappointments and frustrations, as Dr. Abraham Low might say.
#RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational
I'm going for it, anyway. I suggest a too-old age for creating online accounts. Like when you used to have to be 13 to sign up online? I want everyone over 69 to have to lie about their age to order pizza through a website.
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational
"What is called judgment is mainly the art of distinguishing clearly between simple complications and severe emergencies. A person lacking this discriminating judgment is bound to muddle or even ruin his life through the folly of treating emergencies with routine measures or simple complications with emergency procedures."
from Selections of Dr. Low's Works
#recoveryinternational #recoveryinc #mentalhealth
Whatever happened, it's just weird. Thank you for offering a secure thought. It's important to think of good possibilities, not just worries :)
Dr. Low teaches us, replace an insecure thought with a secure thought. One can choose to anticipate hopefully or fearfully, and why would you choose to predict only harm when success is equally possible?
Expect frustration any moment and never be disappointed.
To know is to know that we don't know.
I feel so giddy, being included in your first post! Thank you!
I want to use Mastodon like a chat room. I say random things & reply to random things other people say & enjoy reading conversations of others.
I also use Mastodon to complain, a lot, it seems. Like any human bean, when I am upset, I think the whole wide world needs to hear my story, *my* exceptional self & self importance. My life is good though, really.
I also use Mastodon to promote #RecoveryInc for #MentalHealth
One of my favourite #RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational meetings is tomorrow 11 am Eastern/Ohio time. I'm as likely to sleep through it as join it, but when I do join, I am always glad I did.
RI has helped with my #anxiety , stomach aches, #relationships , ability to cope, & general level of happiness.
You don't have to contact Cathy before joining.
Friday 10AM Central Via Zoom
ID: 86230704761 - Password: Recovery1
Cathy (847) 663-1670
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #anxiety #relationships #mentalhealth #LifeSkills
Thank you.
Shout out to #RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational & Dr. Abraham Low's program of C/DBT, where the T means training. C/DBTherapy gave me great info, but it's like hearing how acrobats fly vs. learning, practicing & succeeding at flight. Still entertained regularly when I read another concept or tool I heard in DBTherapy, in a book written 70 years ago, but better explained with a demonstration of implementing it into daily living.
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
Outer environment does not have maximum thrust and we do not have minimum resistance.
More tolerance for ourselves and others leads to greater peace.
We can take adequate outside action without temper.
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
Foster a spirit of patience and forbearance, and a sense of humor.
(Peace v. Power, p. 84)
It takes a sense of humor to think of one's self and one's frustrations as average. (Selections, p. 110)
Both by Dr. Abraham Low
Don't take your own dear self so seriously.
Humor is our best friend, temper our worst enemy.
Zoom Open Meeting 7.30 pm Mondays
Contact Eric to request Zoom link/details
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
"Emotionalism means that plain and innocent sensations, impulses or feelings aroused by events of average intensity are conceived as so alarming that nothing short of an extraordinary fear reaction seems to suit the situation. Sentimentalism means that equally plain and average experiences are viewed as so exalted and valuable that nothing short of an excessive sense of duty and responsibility can meet the requirements of the momentous event."
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
You're right. Thank you for the link.
Dr. Abraham Low tells us, self appointed expectations lead to self induced frustrations.
My expectations were what truly frustrated me.
My laziness is definitely a personal detriment. I rely so much on strangers for my news. Most people I know won't be bothered to Google, just like me. That's why I copy and paste the link when I share news. What's right for me, is not right for everybody.
#recoveryinternational #recoveryinc #mentalhealth
Love if you will, hate if you must, but either way make no issue of it.
Sabotage if you must, but keep it to the minimum.
The will says yes, and the will says no.
#recoveryinternational #recoveryinc #mentalhealth
To a certain extent, a sense of importance is a desirable quality because it is the basis of self-confidence and self-respect. Unfortunately, many people confuse importance with superiority. (Peace vs. Power, p. 166, Dr. Abraham Low)
It takes a sense of humor to think of one's self and one's frustrations as average. (Selections, p. 110, Dr. Abraham Low)
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
Dr. Abraham Low teaches us to know and be aware of what we can and can't control. We cannot control outer environment, we can only control inner environment
We also learn FIST, Feelings Impulses Sensations Thoughts. Feelings, Sensations, cannot be stopped by will. They rise & fall & run their course. Impulses can be controlled and Thoughts can be changed (and in that way, controlled)
Outer environment, feelings, & sensations can be influenced
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
In a group, the members have equal rights. This is called fellowship, which is opposed to sovereignty. Fellowship means service, self-control, & respect for the rights of others. Sovereignty means the opposite - domination, unrestricted power, & disregard for the rights, needs, or wishes of others. Fellowship is the principle of group action. Sovereignty means the principle of individualism. (Mental Health Through Will Training, Abraham A. Low)
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #mentalhealth
Which phase of the temper cycle do you find to be the most difficult?
Break the cycle.
#RecoveryInternational #RecoveryInc #MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters
#recoveryinternational #recoveryinc #mentalhealth #MentalHealthMatters