The spectre (and friends): aperiodic monotiles *without reflection*
This is very cool! 😎
#mathematics #RecreationalMathematics #tiling #tesselation #AperiodicTiling
#mathematics #recreationalmathematics #tiling #tesselation #aperiodictiling
#introduction Hello all.
I am Doug, resident of NW Arkansas, USA, with a #BoringDayJob.
My interests include #woodworking, #writing, #ScienceFiction, #astronomy, #RecreationalMathematics, and #programming. I've self-published some books and sell woodcrafts I've made, but I'll spare everyone the self-promotion...for now.
My posting "schedule" will likely be erratic, tending towards sparse.
Have a nice day.
#introduction #boringdayjob #woodworking #writing #sciencefiction #astronomy #recreationalmathematics #programming