The #Distance Between #Numbers - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #2Adic #2AdicMetric #RationalNumbers #RealNumbers #Limit #Infinity #Converge #Convergence #Diverge #Divergence #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics
#RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #divergence #diverge #convergence #converge #infinity #limit #RealNumbers #rationalnumbers #2adicmetric #2adic #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #numbers #distance
Go First #Dice - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #Gaming #Fairness #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics #Probability
#probability #RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #fairness #gaming #numbers #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #dice
@ColinTheMathmo @VisualStuart Sorry for the poor quality of introduction - I was on my phone (my laptop, I'm still recovering from a ransomware).
I met Colin at college, where he corrected many of my initial bad juggling habits, and introduced me to the (then, very new!) concept that became known as #Siteswap. I keep up with him for the #recreationalmaths , the #MathsJam events, and other reminders that I used to be, and still am, interested in that space.
Stuart, on the other hand, is someone who seems to show up in random unconnected places - we were both Microsoft MVPs at various times, and with the #PortlandJuggling Festival being the most local, reliable annual juggling festival, I've run into him a few times there. For the first couple of years, there was definitely a vibe of "I've seen you before, but I can't remember where".
There is likely to be a #SeattleJuggling event in the next year.
Hopefully that's enough hashtags.
#siteswap #recreationalmaths #mathsjam #portlandjuggling #seattlejuggling
Ooh, ooh! Looks like there's only one order-3 #MagicSquare, so I had to try 4th-order. I finally got one by putting 7...10 in the middle:
14, 1, 15, 4
3, 8, 10, 13
6, 9, 7, 12
11, 16, 2, 5
Uh oh... this is fun!
#recreationalmaths #mathpuzzle #recreationalmath #magicsquare
Photo of an iPhone app that I wrote eight years ago now, it is called ‘Kerfuffle’ and it provides an interactive exploration of Graph Theory by providing a complete orthographic projection of a certain famous 80s colourful twisty puzzle cube
#projects #TwistyPuzzles #GraphTheory #RecreationalMaths #gamedev #retrocomputing
#projects #twistypuzzles #graphtheory #recreationalmaths #gamedev #retrocomputing
Is there an #equation for a #triangle?
#Maths #Math #Mathematics #Geometry #Equations #StandUpMaths #MattParker #RecreationalMath #RecreationalMaths
#recreationalmaths #recreationalmath #MattParker #standupmaths #equations #geometry #mathematics #math #maths #triangle #equation