If you're a #recruiter please stop confusing understanding or proclivity to agree for good communication.
"We won't be going further with you as a candidate; you aren't very good at communicating, the conversation did not flow"
'Ok, what do you mean by that?'
"It was hard to get answers from you for easy-to-understand questions"
'I didn't find them easy to understand; and I outlined for you why it was hard. Your colleague asked a much better question - which I was able to answer immediatley, and told you what you were looking to know'
"See, I get the feeling you're trying to teach me something. I've done this 1-200 times, I'm not new at it - it's still not flowing"
'I get the feeling you just want me to agree - now you understand why I had difficulty with the question, I communucated that effectivley to you right?'
'and wouldn't you say it's better communication that we establish a mutual understanding so that I can give you an accurate answer, instead of a confident guess at something I think you'll like?'
...wtf? Can anyone explain why that's not a good thing? Why someone would prefer a guess?
Is anyone in need of an amazing #tech #recruiter? My former co-founder is looking for a new remote gig and she's a rare gem!
Are we sure they're even clever enough to think of that?
Far more than half of the recruiting emails I get these days either mandate 5+ years in tools/etc that are not present on my resume at all, 10+ years of things that have only existed for a year or two, or demand on-location work in a country other than my own and for which I would need a hard-to-get work visa.
#scattershot #hailmary #recruiter
This is the first day I might be willing to not shut down a #recruiter but they have not left a message nor sent me an email.
Ich find ja immer diesen "#Recruiter-Mail" #Spam spannend. Wie tief muss man dafür sinken?
"Dein Profil passt perfekt zu unseren Anforderungen...". Ach, ja? MEIN Profil passt also perfekt für die Windows Admin Stelle die Du beschreibst?
"Du würdest Dich hier wohlfühlen" - und auch nur wieder Windowsmüll aufgelistet. Klar werden sich Leute darüber freuen, aber die haben dann irgendwo sicher was mit Microsoft und Windows Kenntnissen stehen, nicht pur Linux.
"Flexibler Arbeitgeber, Homeoffice inklusive, [....], Büroobst, Bürosport, 3 bis 5 Tage im Büro in ...." - hier muss doch einem beim Schreiben schon alles weh tun.
Leute. Erst denken, dann schreiben.
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#hr #recruiter #hrrecruiter #job #recruimentprocess #ondemandrecruiter
#hr #recruiter #hrrecruiter #job #recruimentprocess #ondemandrecruiter
"Freelancer für neues Projekt in gute Hände abzugeben, verfügbar ab 07/23"
#DevOps #cloud #container #kubernetes #recruiter
If you are a #recruiter, be careful. 1) Check with prior recruiters so you don't take on clients who do this skanky behavior and screw you out of money. 2) Check in regularly with client AND employee. 3) Document the feedback.
Recruiters should pursue claims against companies who steal your services.
Sleazy scam:
#lawfirms using #recruiters to find #employees; then fire employees when it comes time to pay #recruiter for #work.
That's called #fraud and is potentially a crime, theft by deception.
__This request is not for me.__
If you are in #LosAngeles and looking for an experienced and legally trained #paralegal (JD, Law Review, former litigator) with NO aspirations to practice #law after decades of #legal experience, please send me a message. I have a great employee for you. /1
#lawfirms #recruiters #employees #recruiter #Work #fraud #losangeles #paralegal #law #legal
Principal Technologist E7 Recruitment Agent-less (Agent-free) Job Platforms (Perm) #jobsearch #permanent #software #engineer #platform #recruiter #dogeatdog
Direct via https://youtu.be/9IS5PPW2hQM
Let me know your thoughts?
Obviously, May 2023, we are living in a (globally) cost of living crisis. Markets are depressed and/or languishing for over 1 years, particular post-covid and especiall since Ukraine Invasion (Feb 2022). Inflation rates are in the UK reported 10-20% for food / groceries. Salaries have not kept up. There are recent big #TechLayoffs #Job losses in the last 9 months to date. We have a weak nearly cold economy.
These sites are particular sparse with activity, I wonder how they would perform in a "hot economy"?
For social media references, these companies are still on Twitter unfortunately, so:
#jobsearch #permanent #software #engineer #platform #recruiter #dogeatdog #TechLayoffs #job
Principal Technologist E7 Recruitment Agent-less (Agent-free) Job Platforms (Perm) #jobsearch #permanent #software #engineer #platform #recruiter #dogeatdog
#jobsearch #permanent #software #engineer #platform #recruiter #dogeatdog
@Laird_Dave +9001%
Ich hasse die #Recruiter*innen die uwillens sind essektielle Eckdaten zu nem Job zu nennen...
Das ist bur verschwendete Lebenszeit!
Bestimmt lernen die das auf der #Recruiter Schule, aber ich mag dieses "Wann passt es dir?" einfach so gar nicht 🙄
Wie geht es euch damit? Guter Türöffner oder aufdringlich?
24/39 Long term disadvantages: laying off 12,000, loudly contemplating laying off more, and talk of cutting salaries tends to make it harder to recruit and retain top talent. If they feel unsafe in their position, or (and this is important) they just think it's possible things might go in that direction in future, they may not start sending out resumes today -- but they'll be much more likely to answer that recruiter's next email or phone call.
Woher kommt eigentlich dieses "Sollten Sie jemand in Ihrem Netzwerk haben würden wir uns freuen wenn Sie uns empfehlen können" auf #linkedin ?
Ich mein... wieso sollte ich dich empfehlen können? Du schreibst mir dass man bei euch nicht das verdient was ich erwarte, warum sollte ich daraufhin sagen "Jo aber der Hannes, der verkauft sich ja für billiger... dem empfehl ich mal die Firma!!!"
Never ever would I do this.
Heard from a third party source that a scumbag “recruiting” #recruiter company from Fort Worth, TX, is faking job interviews and 24 hour CTFs to get free work done for another company.
Hey, kennste den? Kennste?
Was haben #Recruiter mit besoffenen jungen Männern gemein?
Beide verstehen das Wort NEIN nicht.
Woran es liegt? An deiner selbstgefälligen Arroganz. Daran, dass du Scheißhaufen ignorierst, dass ich "aktuell nicht interessiert" bin. #FOAD
👔 Be professional during conversations – dress appropriately, be punctual, and stay focused.
📅 Follow up on time – answer emails promptly
By following these tips, you can ensure that you form a strong connection with your recruiter and ensure they do their best to find you an amazing job! 🤗
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#humanresources #resume #jobhunt #jobseekers #staffing #hiringnow #recruiter #jobopportunity #jobseeker #interview #jobsearching #jobinterview #greatemployees
the chance to tell me more about your background AND your interests.
Let's support each other. 🍀🪐
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#job #leadership #business #innovation #work #experience #team #management #share #strategy #future #resume #projects #planning #stage #recruiter #recruiting #talentattraction #hiring