We've had an internal linter for years, which is built on a PHP #symphony framework.
You run the linter you want and append `--fix` if you want it to resolve issues (if it can)
It lints things like #JS, #SCSS as well as #PHP (via #Rector and #phpstan), #Composer files and even #TYPO3 TypoScript files - all by using the open source libraries available.
It means all our developers can adhere to central linting conventions without having to update local config files.
#symphony #js #scss #php #rector #Phpstan #composer #TYPO3
Opened the @demoparties repository after six month again. Had to do a lot of updating (supported by #rector) before concentrating on some nasty bugs...
For example, one rule was refactoring local variables' names, so it was reacting to `Assign` node and then accessing parent `ClassLike` node. With new #Rector API it has to be done the other way around, which means going top-to-bottom.
Today I've been working on upgrading #Rector to 0.18 (from 0.17.1, so we were several patch versions behind). I did not have any problems with new DI used under the hood, but I had to tweak some things on our side, so I thought I can share it with you 😊.
In the next #rector #php release AddReturnTypeDeclarationBasedOnParentClassMethodRector will be 10 times faster and uses only 30% of memory
if you need fast and efficient rector tooling, please consider sponsoring my open source work :-)
I wrote down my experience in adding #rector to existing #php projects and what todo first.
Yesterday I was investigating slow CI #rector #php jobs and reported a new issue with the details I could find:
Today I am sending over a pull request which improves rector runtime by 23%, which means 1 minute faster runtime in CI
Don't forget that we have excellent tooling in #PHP ecosystem! You're not alone with your upgrades, you can use @PHPCSFixer, #Rector, #PHPCodeSniffer with #PHPCompatibility plugin and probably many other tools. Trust me, it's doable 😁.
Please keep in mind that until @thephpf was created #PHP has been under development for free and every change (fix, new feature, improvement) was provided voluntarily. Even with Foundation, a lot of people work on the language and tooling for free.
#phpcompatibility #phpcodesniffer #rector #PHP
I just published Doing stricter checks in PHP.
#php #laravel #refactoring #webdev #rector
Automated PHP Refactoring With Rector via Tighten.
https://tighten.com/insights/automated-refactoring-with-rector-php/ :php: #PHP #REctor
Automated PHP Refactoring With Rector via Tighten.
https://tighten.com/insights/automated-refactoring-with-rector-php/ :php: #PHP #REctor
Adding backward compatibility to Rector rules #drupal #rector #drupal-rector https://mglaman.dev/blog/adding-backward-compatibility-rector-rules?utm_campaign=blog&utm_source=fediverse&utm_medium=social&utm_content=toot
Explore the January 13, 2023 @symfonystation Communiqué of Symfony and PHP news. https://www.symfonystation.com/Symfony-Station-Communique-13-January-2023 :symfony: :php: :drupal: #Symfony #PHP #Drupal #Cybersecurity #Sylius #Docker #Git #Mastodon #Laravel #Rector #Lando #HTML #CSS #Svelte #ThrowbackThursday
#symfony #php #drupal #cybersecurity #sylius #docker #git #mastodon #laravel #rector #Lando #html #css #svelte #throwbackthursday
Hey PHP developers
Do you know a Github action using #rector to keep you code up to date?
We already tried zingimmick/rector-action but it does not seem to work anymore and is now archived