We are testing a new process managment patch in #rectorphp
which should allow running rector on huge projects without the need for endless RAM.
if you own such project, help us testing rector@dev-main
After todays patches #rectorphp is running 100 seconds faster over the @mautic codebase.
latest stable release takes ~ 625.33s
rector@dev takes ~ 523s on my machine
.. and requires way less RAM
I really love mass-fixing #deprecation #warnings using #rectorphp
FuncCallTo* rules.
Ship the migration rules with the lib and your consuming projects just need to `$rectorConfig->import(...)` it.
#deprecation #warnings #rectorphp
I have worked on @roave BetterReflection in the last few days, so we can improve handling of classes which inherit/extend/implement/use types which are not autoloadable in @phpstan and #rectorphp
the latest #rectorphp🔥stuff I worked on recently is now part of the new release 🥳
leveling up type coverage of a #legacy project using #rectorphp "ReturnTypeFromStrict*"-rules is just awesome.
I am working on a new rule which infers native return types based on native parameter types
Statische Code-Analyse: Keine manuellen Tests mehr. Stattdessen Tests von Neuerungen am Code über vollautomatisierte Analysen – ohne den Code ausführen zu müssen. Zu schön, um wahr zu sein? In "Könnte kaputt sein" unterhält sich Nils Langner mit @markusstaab über #StatischeCodeAnalyse im #PHP Umfeld, konkret über #PHPstan und #RectorPHP. Es geht um Vorauswahl, Implementieren in und Adaption an bestehende Systeme einschließlich dem Fördern der Akzeptanz beim Dev-Team:
#statischecodeanalyse #php #Phpstan #rectorphp
How to freeze your computer: run #rectorphp on a code base containing thousands of files 😂
Explore the @symfonystation PHP and Symfony news communique from Oct. 29, 2021! https://www.symfonystation.com/communiques/f/symfony-station-communique---29-october-2021 #Symfony #PHP8 #SymfonyCasts #github #BoltCMS #RectorPHP #phpstorm #Docker #drupal #packagist #doctrine #WayBackWednesday :symfony: :elephpant_purple: :drupalicon: :doctrine: :php: :reactphp:
#symfony #php8 #SymfonyCasts #github #boltcms #rectorphp #phpstorm #docker #drupal #packagist #doctrine #waybackwednesday
RT @rectorphp@twitter.com
New Release: Rector 0.15.0 https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/releases/tag/0.15.0 #rectorphp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rectorphp/status/1599552182545793026
"I love legacy code", "like wine, le older, the better". #symfonycon by the creator of #rectorphp already very funny.
Making progress #php #grumphp #composer #rectorphp #phpstan
#php #grumphp #composer #rectorphp #PHPStan