#plastic #bag #recycling appears to be a near total sham in #California. (unsurprisingly) https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2023-08-24/whats-the-deal-with-single-use-plastic-bag-bans
#plastic #bag #recycling #california
#In the #ContinuingTheme of #Recycling...
#SpookySeptember: #MyHalloweenNickname is: #SexyDiagnosticsDashboard...
#FirstName: #Sexy; and,
#SecondRule: #LastSearchEngineCriteria
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 👻🦹☠️🦄☠️🦹👻
#in #continuingtheme #recycling #spookyseptember #myhalloweennickname #sexydiagnosticsdashboard #therules #firstname #sexy #secondrule #lastsearchenginecriteria #welcometospookyseptemberclub
Leaving the house this morning, I hand The #Teen two collapsed #boxes, saying "deal with those", as I had my hands full with <stuff> (keys, coffee etc.). Returning 60s later having eft my cell phone inside, I see the two cardboard boxes placed aesthetically on the other side of the mudroom. "What the crap?" I say getting into the car and throwing the boxes into the #recycling. "Well, you didn't say *how* to deal with them." <angry glower> "You're really #grumpy before coffee you know that?".
#grumpy #recycling #boxes #teen
Apple plant umweltfreundlichen Wechsel bei iPhone-Zubehör
Die neuesten Gerüchte deuten darauf hin, dass Apple möglicherweise über die Eliminierung von Lederhüllen für die iPhone 15-Reihe hinausgeht. Insiderquellen zufolge könnte Apple sogar den Einsatz
#iPhone #News #Zubehr #Apple #FineWoven #Fluorelastomer #IPhone15 #iPhoneZubehr #Kosutami #Lederhllen #Recycling #Silikon #umweltfreundlich
#iphone #News #zubehr #Apple #finewoven #fluorelastomer #iphone15 #iphonezubehr #kosutami #lederhllen #recycling #silikon #umweltfreundlich
#diy #фото #recycling #бамбук @rf @ru
Бамбуковая бутылкосушилка: https://tinystash.undef.im/il/5JBmZy4eU9FbaCqL1tUEmtuPEbdD2WDHKdGv93udQ5JEZA2JxszZzbheUiqp8HfJLtLZhLbiHEsB7Y8xwj3J7tR1.jpg
Another hopeful sign that large-scale recycling of plastic might be economically viable soon!
#Awww... What a #BeautifulDay, #MisterDen...
My #CyclingHardware is #SafelyStowed for when #IT's #Not the #HottestDay of the #Year... We should do some #Recycling #OneDay, maybe...
#IT's also good #PeggingOut #Weather, aye...
#Meanwhile... #Back to #Diablo4World...
There's #Stuff #StillHappening and we have #LickyLickyLollies...
🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻 | 🦹🍨🧙🐻🧙🍨🦹
#awww #beautifulday #misterden #cyclinghardware #safelystowed #it #not #hottestday #year #recycling #oneday #peggingout #weather #meanwhile #back #diablo4world #stuff #stillhappening #lickylickylollies
#Lithium #Batterien (bzw. #Akkumulatoren) #Recycling ist am kommen, die Prozesse existieren und funktionieren und können mehr als 95% des Lithium zurückgewinnen. Hier zwei Beispiele:
‣ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNg77A8tJXU
‣ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2xrarUWVRQ
#lithium #batterien #akkumulatoren #recycling
Found on Lemmy.World... Reducing environmental damage to memes will only serve to damage the environment more.
#recycling #ClimateChange #Environment
#Recycling - The gold jewellery made from old #phones
les gobelets en carton tout aussi toxiques que les gobelets en plastique
🇬🇧 Paper cups are as toxic as plastic cups ⬇️
Efficient and mild: Recycling of used lithium-ion batteries https://techxplore.com/news/2023-09-efficient-mild-recycling-lithium-ion-batteries.html
#batteries #recycling
Today, at work, we were recycling a whole container filled with old and broken electronics. I just salvaged this perfectly fine Noctua CPU cooler and fan from a damaged workstation. It would have been a shame to throw them away.
Fleece cleaning. These will be used for insulation.
#sustainability #smallholdinglife #SheepOfMastodon #eco #diy #recycling
#recycling #diy #eco #sheepofmastodon #smallholdinglife #sustainability
New EV battery recycling venture rakes in the big bucks
#evbattery #evbatteries #lithiumbatteries #supplychain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #evs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #ESG
#evbattery #evbatteries #lithiumbatteries #supplychain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #evs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #ESG
New EV battery recycling venture rakes in the big bucks
#evbattery #evbatteries #lithiumbatteries #supplychain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #evs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #ESG
#evbattery #EVbatteries #lithiumbatteries #SupplyChain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #EVs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #esg
"New #recycling facility Samsara Eco aims to create infinite, virgin-grade plastic without fossil fuels.
Its enzyme library now contains #enzymes that can tackle challenging plastics, including coloured, multi-layered, mix-layered, mixed #plastics and textiles like polyester and nylon."