I have a beat-up old ThinkPad 390e in need of a second (actually fourth) life. Any suggestions? It's a Pentium 333MHz with 128MB.
#retrocomputing #oldtech #recyclingold
the project rag rug is evolving. i wished i’d have more of that lovely yellow but i didn’t so im just loosely following the pattern while going through my rag bag. found some nice greens on my flea market tour so those are jumping in too. the hard part is to keep it flat as i am sewing it together by hand, lot of awkward work ergonomic present so it’s slow to make.
the blues, violets, whites and black are from an old, faded, now dismantled rug. #RagRug #recyclingOld #recycling
#recycling #recyclingold #ragrug
current project. braiding a carpet from a old sun faded rug rag i dismantled, just to discover that the rags are still very bright in parts not visible in old rug.
i’m sewing this together by hand with leftover sock yarn.
the whites and greens and blacks are all from the olde rug, yellows are flea market finds. there’s also a bag of coral rags that wait for their turn in the wheel. #RagRug #RagRugs #Recycling #Craft #recyclingOld
#recyclingold #craft #recycling #ragrugs #ragrug
There was a time I've tried urban sketching... #sketch #GestureDrawing #recyclingOld #movies #drawing
#drawing #movies #recyclingold #gesturedrawing #sketch