For @katerudy1 & everybody in #RecyclingOxford! #RubbingItIn #SensationalBooks
RT @bodleianlibs
When a daguerreotype was made of Queen Victoria and young members of her family in 1852, she was apparently captured with her eyes closed.
She didn't like it, so she scratched out her own face on the plate!
#recyclingoxford #rubbingitin #sensationalbooks
Something for #RecyclingOxford, @CariGluchowski @hannaballoo @Julia_vDitfurth !
RT @StJohnsOxLib
There are some intriguing manuscript additions in our copy of Peter Apian's 'Astronomicum Caesareum' (1540), perhaps to replace damaged/lost text.
RT @KathrynPeak
Opened my TLS this morning to see @15thcgossipgirl 's great review of @hannaballoo 's recent book, which is fantastic and interesting and of which I already have a copy. How to make a medievalist happy. 👏👏👏👏
We had such a brilliant time @AshmoleanUEP - need to make more of the cross-over of the Douce material @bodleianlibs & @AshmoleanMuseum, also with regard to fools. Should we do a linked-up event @StEdmundHall, @gkoutsika?
RT @malenaratzke
Going home from #recyclingoxford with a wealth of new ideas. And: eager to come back and look some more at the Douce collection. We need teaching curator colleagues like @jimoutoffaf at German un…
Now all of us want to get our hands on @katerudy1's newest publication @OpenBookPublish "Touching Parchment: How Medieval Users Rubbed, Handled, and Kissed Their Manuscripts" #RecyclingOxford
Very pertinent closing keynote by @katerudy1 #RecyclingOxford bringing together many strands of the workshop incl. Holy Face & touch "küss das angesicht zů fünf malen"
It‘s been a blast 📯 Thank you so much @hannaballoo @CariGluchowski @Julia_vDitfurth for a great #recyclingOxford workshop!
We referenced your edition repeatedly, @l_m_shepherd, when discussing Francis Douce! #RecyclingOxford @liber_ray @jimoutoffaf
RT @l_m_shepherd
Just in time for the last day of the #RecyclingOxford workshop by @CariGluchowski @hannaballoo @Julia_vDitfurth : she slayed (a dragon). Douce compiled fragments of her vita in 🇫🇷, 🇬🇧 & 🇳🇱 including this woodcut he c…
Leafing through the collection of the master of cut-and-paste, Francis Douce #recyclingOxford with @jimoutoffaf @AshmoleanUEP
Thx @hannaballoo for introducing us to the many layers of @bodleianlibs MS. Ashmole 33 (& to @anjdunning for taming the unruly parchment!) #RecyclingOxford
Thx @anjdunning for allowing me to show off the @bodleianlibs glued-in maiden for #recyclingOxford
RT @HLaehnemann
Might be possible by putting together print snippets of glued-in maidens in Hanover and @bodleianlibs prayerbooks to identify the publication this came from! #nuntastic excitement. (HV2 p. 163, O1 fol. 141v, sigla
RT @CariGluchowski
We will soon start into the second day of our #workshop 'Cultures of Use and Reuse'! We will start with a double session in the Weston Library (@anjdunning) and the Print Room (Richard Lauwrence), and continue with a paper session! We are so excited! @hannaballoo @Julia_vDitfurth
Brilliant start of 2nd day of #recyclingoxford @theBroadPress. Thx Richard Lawrence!
And reminded of the time when @lisafdavis & @mssprovenance helped me track down matching fragments for a charity shop find #recyclingoxford
RT @HLaehnemann
Oxford Charity shop find of the day: a friend got me a parchment leaf that claims to come from a Breviary Use of Cologne 14c. Anybody else w/ leaves from Folio Fine Art Ms/4691? 15x11cm
Calling @BodCons @FragmentariumMS @lisafdavis @MatthewHolford @anjdunning
Touched & pleased to see the first case study of fragmentarium mentioned by @lisafdavis which was started by the late Nigel Palmer working on #incunabula fragments @bodleianlibs #recyclingoxford