Colors of the future.
#mastoart #penplotter #redandblack
#MastoArt #penplotter #redandblack
Black for bad
and red for good
With a spinning canvas background.
the colour of my faded smile
Black, the whole within your heart.
Red's the love that people share
Red the heart to show you care.
I am Represented by @rogue Model Management
#valentinemorningstar #cowboyhat #Alternative #gothaesthetic #redandblack #coolbeard #beard #disabilityawareness #valentinemorningstarcosplay
The main entrance to All Saints' Episcopal Church in Jordanhill in Glasgow. Designed by James Chalmers and built in 1904. I love the shape of the arch as well as those amazing hinges (which are no longer functional, but which have been kept none-the-less).
#glasgow #churches #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #reddoor #redandblack #scottishchurches #doorway #hinges
#hinges #doorway #scottishchurches #redandblack #reddoor #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #churches #glasgow
Hand-shaped iron handles on the doors of James Chalmers 1904 All Saints' Episcopal Church in Jordanhill in Glasgow. I love this sort of little detail on buildings, they make them so much more interesting.
#glasgow #churches #doorhandles #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #reddoor #redandblack #scottishchurches
#scottishchurches #redandblack #reddoor #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #doorhandles #churches #glasgow
Because the #smallparts matter 😉. #redandblack #bikecomponents
#smallparts #redandblack #bikecomponents
🧚♀️ Robert Newman's History of Oil
"Robert Newman's comedic historic portrayal of the history of oil. Fact is stranger than fiction. Explains why America wishes to bring 'democracy' to the Middle East and that WWI should be taught about the war for Iraq not Archduke Ferdinand & the coup in Iran when the secular democracy became a dictatorship for the interests of British Petroleum using the CIA."
#AnarchistComedy #SustainableVenues #Decolonize #GlobalWarming #GreenAnarchy #RedAndBlack #Antiwar
#anarchistcomedy #sustainablevenues #decolonize #globalwarming #greenanarchy #redandblack #antiwar
Mein Fussballjahr ist super gestartet!
#wanderers #sydney #redandblack
#wanderers #sydney #redandblack
[edit: woops messed up the link. how did i end up with a 7 instead of a / haha .. okay its good now.]
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack
To develop some pict-utilities in #racket-lang I hacked together a flag with text from a local organic festival. The urge came from anger that the Azov Battalion was using good #RedAndBlack, #BloodAndDirt Anarchist colors.. Then I got to thinking about a flag for life and wanted some green in there, and then I wanted to use the organic rhythm... It got me to scale text into image areas, and I've needed to do that for a a long time.. now just to re-name procedures..
#BloodAndDirt #redandblack #racket
> Though the words blood and soil have been degraded in our time by degraded men, their concrete realities pervade the archaic tradition and come down to us today even in the inflated stereotypes of patriotism and nationalism.
Terrible that #ForsaKeN #Nazi #AzovBattalion coopted #RedAndBlack for #BloodAndSoil. #YetAnotetherExample #YAE of #CorruptioOptimiPessima #COPessima. #AmReading #LewisMumford in #TransformationOfMan to see why it irritates me so much. #TToM #人間の変成 #人間過去現在未来 #マンフォード
#マンフォード #人間過去現在未来 #人間の変成 #TToM #TransformationOfMan #LewisMumford #amreading #COPessima #corruptioOptimiPessima #yae #YetAnotetherExample #bloodandsoil #redandblack #azovbattalion #nazi #forsaken
#Japan could help with the #AzovBattalion. #Japan should send #AndoShoeki: #RedAndBlack #BloodAndSoil means that if you don't grow food you are lower than a dog #Samurai with a sword. #PrimaryPeoples use hoes not like curs with #StingerMissiles. #Azov? To be like the #Taliban? #FreedomFighter to #Terrorist? Or is #KurtSutter already working on #AzovMC as a spinoff to follow #SoA, #MayansMC (#OliverNorth connects, through #IranContra, to #ElliotAbrams and his machinations with #NED in #Ukraine)
#ukraine #ned #elliotabrams #irancontra #olivernorth #mayansmc #soa #AzovMC #KurtSutter #terrorist #FreedomFighter #taliban #azov #StingerMissiles #PrimaryPeoples #samurai #bloodandsoil #redandblack #AndoShoeki #azovbattalion #japan
Dalla Madre Terra alla Landa selvaggia passando per il Leviatano #PëtrAndreevičAršinov #LorrainePerlman #HerbertMarcuse #JacquesCamatte #comunitàumana #LivingTheatre #Eroseciviltà #FredyPerlman #lavorocoatto #Illuminismo #NormanBrown #RedandBlack #Recensioni #MadreTerra #StatiUniti #GuyDebord #Maggio'68 #religione #cronache #marxismo #razzismo #natura #Storia #donna #Gulag #morte #stato
#stato #morte #gulag #donna #storia #natura #razzismo #marxismo #cronache #religione #maggio #guydebord #statiuniti #MadreTerra #recensioni #redandblack #NormanBrown #illuminismo #lavorocoatto #fredyperlman #Eroseciviltà #LivingTheatre #comunitàumana #jacquescamatte #HerbertMarcuse #LorrainePerlman #PëtrAndreevičAršinov
Hes colorblind and cant see red and black #redandblack #colorblind #socialredandblack :acab: :ancom: :blackcat: :crt_w_green_lines: :gnu:
#redandblack #colorblind #socialredandblack