Today in 1944, Arthur Brown died. Born in 1893, he served in the First World War as a pilot. A flying ace, he is officially credited with shooting down The Red Baron on April 21, 1918. However, this is now disputed as its believed the Baron was shot down from the ground.
#FirstWorldWar #WW1 #RedBaron #Canada #History #Histodon #Histodons
#firstworldwar #ww1 #redbaron #canada #history #histodon #histodons
I recorded this bit of #Christmas silliness for the #Queer #Chorus of #SanFrancisco (then known as Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco) virtual #holiday #cabaret two years ago. Hope you enjoy it.
#christmas #queer #chorus #sanfrancisco #holiday #cabaret #snoopy #redbaron #royalguardsmen
I haven’t been able to paint the Goff Rocker yet, so here’s the Red Gobbo from Xmas 2021. This won a painting competition at my local store!
#warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #PaintingWarhammer #RedBaron #Squig #Goblin
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #paintingWarhammer #redbaron #squig #goblin