January Joy - Day 13
"Red Bottlebrush Flower"
This is a very aesthetic looking red bottlebrush flower with a bee searching for nectar. The picture was taken in the cute little town of Walpole, South Western Australia. They don't grow here in Germany, I am always fascinated about all these different plants and animals around the world.
#JanuaryJoy #australia #flower #RedBottlebrush #FlowerPhotography #AYearForArt #FediGiftShop #red #FlowersOnFriday #walpole #bee #prints
#januaryjoy #australia #flower #redbottlebrush #flowerphotography #ayearforart #fedigiftshop #red #FlowersOnFriday #walpole #bee #prints
This is an abstract rendering of a colorful Bottle Brush ornamental that’s used extensively throughout the Florida landscape. This pretty flower is a natural bee magnet and adds a pretty pop of color wherever used … indoors or outdoors. You can take a closer look HERE: https://hhphotography.pixels.com/featured/bottle-brush-abstract-2-hh-photography-of-florida.html
#bottlebrush #redbottlebrush #redflowers #flowers #abstract #abstractart #mastoflowers #mastoart #fediart #art #artists #mastadonartists #ArtMatters #AYearForArt
#bottlebrush #redbottlebrush #redflowers #flowers #abstract #abstractart #Mastoflowers #mastoart #fediart #art #artists #mastadonartists #artmatters #ayearforart