Now that a certain #Pagan “Leftist” is back on Twitter, a reminder about #RhydWildermuth by a writer who discusses some massive problems with him better than I right now.
#RedBrown #Neopagans #Ritona #GodsAndRadicals
#pagan #rhydwildermuth #redbrown #neopagans #ritona #godsandradicals
[In] "2014... Kagarlitsky was the emblematic figure of what the Ukrainian Vitalii Kulik calls “pink Putinism”. He denounced the Maidan as “fascist” and told anyone who would listen that hundreds of thousands of workers rose up in the Donbass – a total fabrication – calling for a “capture of Kiev by Donetsk”
#RedBrown #confusionism #querfront #PinkPutinism #Russia #RevolutionOfDignity
#redbrown #confusionism #querfront #pinkputinism #russia #revolutionofdignity
Release Boris #Kagarlitsky - despite #RedBrown turn
Anarchist Telegram feed #Netchaievtchina - "deplore the fact that the many activists threatened with death in prison, “ordinary activists” like Yevgeny Karakashev, threatened with dying of brain disease, do not have influential networks..these comrades fear that even less will be said about these now that an ecumenical campaign of the “amnesiac left” in favour of Kagarlitsky could begin"
#kagarlitsky #redbrown #netchaievtchina #confusionism #querfront
"I’ve been active in the British labour movement for more than 40 years and for the first time I am genuinely worried about a spontaneous red-brown politics emerging from the left.
I’m not talking here about the Horseshoe Theory, whereby the actions of the far left are said to mirror those of the far right; or a couple of prominent trade union activists drifting into right-wing populism, or even the problem of left-wing anti-Semitism on its own". #RedBrown #confusionism #PaulMason on #RedBrown problem. #querfront #confusionism
[In Part 1 I outlined the role of Stalinism, pro-Putin groups and US confusionism in creating a ready-mix ideology for red-brown conspiracy theorists in the UK. In Part 2 I ask: how did we get there and what can be done?]
#paulmason #redbrown #querfront #confusionism
@Peternimmo The 'Rage Against the War Machine' is a #RedBrown front. proper Nazis alongside Tankies, authoritarian bootlickers, and Putin/Assad/antisemitic scumbags like Roger Waters. As Cmde Coates puts it 'The RedBrown front is a Nazi Front. Smash the RedBrown front'. #CornelWest #PeoplesParty #Ukraine
#redbrown #cornelwest #peoplesparty #ukraine #PseudoAntiImperialism #Tankies #Ukraine #Putinism
The #RedBrown front is a fascist front. Smash the RedBrown front.
#pseudoantiimperialism #tankies #ukraine #putinism #redbrown
Speaking of #Russia & #Stalinism: 68 years after Krushchev's speech & 1 year after the #Russian invasion of #Ukraine, the #RedBrown alliance of #tankies & #FarRight is alive & well.
"A bogus version of 'anti-imperialism' which mystifies rather than explains the nature of the world, & which allows its adherents to ally with, or at least soft-pedal criticisms of, reactionary forces in the name of 'anti-imperialism'”
#russia #stalinism #russian #ukraine #redbrown #tankies #farright #israel #left
German #FarLeft 'peace' movt continues #Putin apologism. "Seit Tagen wird in rechtsextremen Kanälen für die Teilnahme mobilisiert. Den Initiatorinnen wird schon seit Tagen vorgehalten, sich nicht eindeutig gegen rechts und die AfD abgegrenzt zu haben. Wagenknecht hatte sich dazu verschiedentlich geäußert. (Lesen Sie hier die Hintergründe dazu.)"
#rechtsextremen #FarRight #AfD #querfront #RedBrown #confusionnisme #consfusionism
#farleft #putin #stopputinstopwar #rechtsextremen #farright #afd #querfront #redbrown #confusionnisme #consfusionism!5913842/ [Leila] "Al-Shami writes that outrage had only come up in the intervention of the West against Assad’s injustice regime. The problem with these authoritarian leftists is that they – whether it was hands off Syria or Russia & China (as at the Rosa Luxemburg Conference of the Young World 2022) – put states at the centre of the political analysis and not the oppressed groups of the respective societies". (trans. from the German)
#querfront #RedBrown #AntiImperialismOfFools
#querfront #redbrown #antiimperialismoffools
From the "No, Shit, Sherlock" department:
Look, if y'all are just noticing this NOW, instead of when you should have noticed it 7 YEARS AGO, I don't know what to tell you.
"These ‘Dirtbag Left’ Stars Are Flirting With the Far Right"
I'd really rather not live in a "darker, grittier" remake of the 20th Century, with extra climate chaos, but I'll be darned if that doesn't look like where we're heading...
So many years I've resisted the horseshoe theory, but really it's starting to look like the political spectrum is not a horseshoe, it's just a point with arbitrary different in language conventions.
#RedBrown #antisemitism #nationalism #racism #war #ClimateChange #SocialismOfFools #despair
#redbrown #antisemitism #nationalism #racism #war #climatechange #socialismoffools #despair
@spamless @MeidasTouch @BrettMeiselas If Trump isn't convicted of one of the few crimes that could excluded him from running for President, & DeSantas wins GOP nomination - there is a real danger of Gabbard running with him on 3rd Party #RedBrown ticket. At least it seems a possibility from where I sit as a US politics junkie across the Atlantic.
I don't believe she is in any way 'red' to be clear. But we do know that a certain, significant, cross-over from Sanders to Trump happened.