RC Hopgood · @rchopgood
175 followers · 520 posts · Server mastodon.world

@benetnasch @steaphan I found my group through taking a few workshop classes via the . There a various programs like that with online classes ( in NY is sort of the model). I met others who were on the same sort of track as me and it developed into a group where we've been reading and workshopping and watching our novels go from ideas to complete manuscripts. I dont know that i could've done it without their support.

#redbudwritingproject #gothamwriters

Last updated 2 years ago

RC Hopgood · @rchopgood
109 followers · 336 posts · Server mastodon.world

@annewalk Writing can be so isolating. One of the reasons I love my writers group. I dont think i could've finished my WIP without them. I certainly wouldnt feel as confident about it without their feedback. We all workshopped each other's chapters as our projects progressed and recently have been writing sample query letters for each other. It's very motivating. We all also took classes with (online and in person classes) which was super helpful.


Last updated 2 years ago

RC Hopgood · @rchopgood
84 followers · 246 posts · Server mastodon.world

Most of my current was workshopped chapter by chapter & w/ the and the . Now I"m not only workshopping with 3 Nameless fellows, but since we all read each others MS, we are writing drafts for each other as a start.
All this is to say, I feel having a strong is essential to this process. I couldn't do it without them.
Let's build a solid one here on .

#manuscript #revised #redbudwritingproject #namelesswritersgroup #queryletters #writingcommunity #mastodon #amquerying #writerslife

Last updated 2 years ago