An enormous #OldGrowth #cedar #tree has been identified in #VancouverIsland ’s #ClayoquotSound possibly dating back over a millennium. The western #RedCedar reaches a towering height of 46 metres and stands five metres wide at its base.
It is currently the sixth largest redcedar in #Canada - according to the #BCBigTreeRegistry 🌲
#SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation #ProtectAncientForests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #BigTrees
#oldgrowth #cedar #tree #vancouverisland #clayoquotsound #redcedar #canada #bcbigtreeregistry #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation #protectancientforests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #bigTrees
Ancient One
#photo #photography #Tofino #PacificRimNationalParkReserve #tree #rainforest #redcedar #blackandwhite
#photo #photography #tofino #tree #rainforest #redcedar #blackandwhite #pacificrimnationalparkreserve
"We need to help heal the earth. We will plant the proper trees and start the healing process. It's a big chore but we're up to it. We want to show that we can own and manage it better"
The Nuchatlaht First Nation in British Columbia #Canada is fighting for their rights to their land. To prove continuous use, they are using evidence of culturally modified red cedar trees going back centuries.
#Indigenous #FirstNation #Nuchatlaht #RedCedar #BritishColumbia #LandRights
#landrights #britishcolumbia #redcedar #Nuchatlaht #firstnation #Indigenous #Canada
I love this #family of #RedCedar #OldGrowth #trees in #FrancisKingPark 🥰🌲🌲🌲
#Cedar #TreeOfLife #Wsanec #forest #CRDParks #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #Nature #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation #TreeHugger #TreeLover #ILoveBigTrees #HugeTrees #LookAtTheseTrees #ThickTrunks
#family #redcedar #oldgrowth #trees #franciskingpark #cedar #treeoflife #wsanec #forest #crdparks #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #nature #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation #treehugger #treelover #ilovebigtrees #hugetrees #lookatthesetrees #thicktrunks
I love #AncientTrees 🌲😍🌲 This #RedCedar #elderTree is over 1000 yrs old.
#WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #SacredForests #protectOldGrowth #SaveOldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #irreplaceable #wilderness #TreeHugger #ProtectOurForests #ForestsForever #biodiversity #StopDeforestation #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PacificNorthwest #ClayoquotSound #MearesIsland #RespectNature #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #OneEarth #ClimateChange #ForestProtector #Ecology #environmental
#ancienttrees #redcedar #eldertree #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #sacredforests #protectoldgrowth #SaveOldGrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #irreplaceable #wilderness #treehugger #ProtectOurForests #forestsforever #biodiversity #stopdeforestation #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #vanisle #vancouverisland #pacificnorthwest #clayoquotsound #mearesisland #respectnature #protectthewild #wildfirst #OneEarth #climatechange #forestprotector #ecology #environmental
An excellent interview done several years ago of me and my art/carving style and techniques..
#indigenousartist #customcarvingknives #SalishSea #salish #indigenouspeople #handmade #carving #redcedar #yellowcedar #TotemPoles #cowichanvalley #vancouverisland
#VancouverIsland #cowichanvalley #totempoles #yellowcedar #redcedar #carving #handmade #indigenouspeople #salish #SalishSea #customcarvingknives #indigenousartist
An excellent interview done several years ago of me and my art/carving style and techniques..
#indigenousartist #customcarvingknives #SalishSea #salish #indigenouspeople #handmade #carving #redcedar #yellowcedar #TotemPoles #cowichanvalley #vancouverisland
#VancouverIsland #cowichanvalley #totempoles #yellowcedar #redcedar #carving #handmade #indigenouspeople #salish #SalishSea #customcarvingknives #indigenousartist
I create specialty wood carving knives for bigger projects. Here I am working on a 20ft totem commission with one of my tools...
#redcedar #totempole #handcarved #indigenousartist #indigenousart #pacificnorthwest #salishartist #indianart #VancouverIsland #cowichanvalley #commissionedart #introduction
#introduction #commissionedart #cowichanvalley #VancouverIsland #indianart #salishartist #pacificnorthwest #indigenousart #indigenousartist #handcarved #totempole #redcedar
#Gigantic #RedCedar #eldertree on #ClayoquotArm #wilderness #hikingtrail ❤🌲
This #OldGrowth #majestic #tree was saved. Other #ancienttrees were clearcut.
We saved #ancientforests areas from #ClayoquotSound #WarOfTheWoods in 90s. Many OG cutblocks have been fully decimated since. BC government lied to public. Irreplaceable old growth forests are still being clearcut in #BritishColumbia #Canada weekly🌲
#StopEcocide #stopclearcuts #corporategreed #greedkills #bcpoli #deforestation #vanisle #PNW
#gigantic #redcedar #eldertree #clayoquotarm #wilderness #hikingtrail #oldgrowth #majestic #tree #ancienttrees #ancientforests #clayoquotsound #warofthewoods #britishcolumbia #canada #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #corporategreed #greedkills #bcpoli #deforestation #vanisle #pnw