Made 2/3 of a pot of #redcurrant #jam. Didn't weigh the fruit, amount of sugar was guesswork (actually just the amount of sugar left in the house). We'll see how well it worked once it cools down.
Another batch is still in the fridge to be cleaned.
#csa #redcurrant #berries #nomnomnom
3kg of freshly harvested #RedCurrant #berries (from our local #csa) to be turned into low-sugar #jam
#redcurrant #berries #csa #jam
Yum! This years crop of Portobello redcurrants from my garden looks divine :-) #redcurrant #gardening
Today's #BonneMaman #AdventCalendar #jam is #strawberry and #redcurrant. The blend of sweet and tart works really well, and the strawberry tastes almost floral 🍓
#bonnemaman #adventcalendar #jam #strawberry #redcurrant
Und es gab noch ne riiiieeeesige Ernte im schattigen Hinterhof. 😅 2 Teile für die hungrigen Stadtvögel, 1 Teil für uns. Die Johannisbeeren sind dann direkt auf nem Schokoladenkuchen gelandet.
#johannisbeeren #redcurrant #brombeeren #blackberries #UrbanGardening #stadtgarten #pflanzen #citygarden #urbanesgärtnern
#johannisbeeren #redcurrant #brombeeren #blackberries #urbangardening #stadtgarten #pflanzen #citygarden #urbanesgärtnern