Notice: I am NOT suggesting non-Indigenous, non-BIPOC people post with most of these hashtags. Follow, ally, educate yourself, etc. but don’t appropriate is always good advice for allies.
#reddressday #reparations #repatriation #rockyourmocs #saveicwa #settlersaturday #sovereigntyback #stopdisenrollment #stopthechop #trailoftears #turtleisland #twospirit #waterislife #wearestillhere
The Tyee: We Can’t Forget Their Names https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/06/16/Butterflies-Spirit-Names/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #VancouverAboriginalCommunityPolicingCentre #Indigenousdancegroups #MichelleMargaretAlec #ButterfliesinSpirit #SarahJeaniedeVries #JacquelineMichell #MadelaineMcCallum #LoreleiWilliams #BaciliaRamirez #MarandaJohnson #HannahHarris #NoelleO’Soup #RedDressDay
#BCNews #TheTyee #vancouveraboriginalcommunitypolicingcentre #indigenousdancegroups #michellemargaretalec #butterfliesinspirit #sarahjeaniedevries #jacquelinemichell #madelainemccallum #loreleiwilliams #baciliaramirez #marandajohnson #hannahharris #noelleo #reddressday
A look at the huge march for Red Dress Day on Friday, spanning for blocks on Jasper Avenue.
Hab gerade gesehen, dass gestern Red Dress Day war - da hab ich was Schönes...
#RedDressDay #RedDress
Dieses Foto habe ich bei einem Konzert des Geigers Pekka Kuusisto im Pierre Boulez Saal in #Berlin gemacht.
Der Geiger schlüpfte von unten in das Kleid. Das Kleid war über das ganze Parkett ausgebreitet. Und das Publikum lag in den darin eingenähten "Taschen" wie in Schlafsäcken. Unvergesslich.
#PekkaKuusisto #PierreBoulezSaal
#pierreboulezsaal #pekkakuusisto #berlin #reddress #reddressday
“Also known as #RedDressDay, May 5th honours the thousands of missing and murdered #Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirit, and gender diverse people, by encouraging learning and building awareness to end violence against Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirit, and gender diverse people.” #mmiwg2s
#mmiwg2s #indigenous #reddressday
“Also known as #RedDressDay, May 5th honours the thousands of missing and murdered #Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirit, and gender diverse people, by encouraging learning and building awareness to end violence against Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirit, and gender diverse people.” #mmiwg2s #canada
#canada #mmiwg2s #indigenous #reddressday
Global News BC: ‘We have a voice’: Missing, murdered Indigenous women and girls honoured in Abbotsford https://globalnews.ca/news/9677404/red-dress-day-missing-murdered-indigenous-abbotsford/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NationalInquiryMissingandMurderedIndigenousWomen #NationalInquiryintoMMIWG #RedDressDayAbbotsford #UnionofBCIndianChiefs #Abbotsfordcityhall #vancouverpolice #Reconciliation #RedDressDayBc #RedDressDay #MMIWG2S #Canada #Crime #MMIWG
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nationalinquirymissingandmurderedindigenouswomen #nationalinquiryintommiwg #reddressdayabbotsford #UnionofBCIndianChiefs #abbotsfordcityhall #vancouverpolice #reconciliation #reddressdaybc #reddressday #mmiwg2s #Canada #crime #mmiwg
Today and always, we remember them. 🪶 #RedDressDay #MMIWG2S
∙ 𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟻, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 𝟹:𝟻𝟶𝙿𝙼 ∙
#reddressday #mmiwg2s #zoo #animals #thetorontozoo
Happy Friday! Getting ready to take part in Red Dress Day. #yeg #yegdt #reddress #reddressday
#yeg #yegdt #reddress #reddressday
For many every day is Red Dress Day. Bring them home. Make them safe.
#Canada #indigenous #reddressday
À l'occasion du #reddressday , 5 mai étant le jour de commémoration pour les femmes autochtones des Amériques disparues ou assassinées, je vous recommande la lecture de ce livre " Soeurs volées - enquête sur un féminicide au Canada" écrit par Emmanuelle Walter et préfacé par Widia Larivière
Justice pour ces filles, femmes, mères, soeurs, amies, solitaires, personnes trans qui sont victimes du patriarcat, torturées, violées et assassinées, en proie à la violence coloniale
#reddressday #nomorestolensisters
Heute ist #RedDressDay - ein Gedenktag für alle vermissten und ermordeten indigenen Frauen und Mädchen #MMIWG in den USA und in Kanada. In #Kanada verschwinden seit vielen Jahren immer wieder indigene Frauen spurlos, werden entführt oder sexuell missbraucht.
May 5th is #RedDressDay in remembrance of our stolen sisters...
#MMIW #MMIWG2S #MMIP #NoMoreStolenSisters #Indigenous #WeAreStillHere
#reddressday #mmiw #mmiwg2s #mmip #nomorestolensisters #indigenous #wearestillhere
A few more stories...
#RedDressDay about building hope: https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/05/05/red-dress-day-event-about-building-hope-says-one-community-grandmother/
Tansi: International Gathering breathes new life into #Indigenous languages: https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/10/15/tansi-international-gathering-breathes-new-life-into-indigenous-languages/
The #RedDeer Museum + Art Gallery celebrated its 50th birthday this year and officials say big things are to come: https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/11/16/big-things-to-come-as-red-deer-museum-celebrates-50-years/
Declaration vs. Implementation: Red Deerians shine spotlight on #HumanRightsDay: https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/12/10/declaration-vs-implementation-red-deerians-shine-spotlight-on-human-rights-day/
#reddressday #indigenous #RedDeer #humanrightsday