@rmathew #Transhumanism acts as a substitute, like #redemption, trying to convince us that everything will be better in the hereafter. It reduces humans to agents of such a #future and redeems people who actively pursue it in the here and now. #Absolution, because the future will make better versions of us.
It somehow makes solidarity, universal rights, obsolete.
#transhumanism #redemption #future #absolution
Casascius Bitcoin Peels: $10M Cashed in 2023, Yet a $1 Billion Stash Remains Unclaimed - While bitcoin (BTC) is already a limited asset, Mike Caldwell’s Casascius physical... - https://news.bitcoin.com/casascius-bitcoin-peels-10m-cashed-in-2023-yet-a-1-billion-stash-remains-unclaimed/ #casasciusphysicalbitcoins #treasurydepartment #physicalbitcoins #casasciusunits #cryptocurrency #physicalcoins #bitcoin(btc) #mikecaldwell #circulation #redemptions #redemption #ustreasury #casascius
#casascius #ustreasury #redemption #redemptions #circulation #mikecaldwell #bitcoin #physicalcoins #cryptocurrency #casasciusunits #physicalbitcoins #treasurydepartment #casasciusphysicalbitcoins
This dude is the quintessential example of #MAGA #dishonesty. After tearfully groveling before the judge prior to sentencing, claiming he's a changed man, and claiming he's remorseful for what he did, this POS raised his fist in the air and shouted, "#Trump won!", as he was being led from the #courtroom. These people are beyond #redemption. They have no #remorse or regret, and they would do it all again if given the chance. Judges need to be aware of their deceit.
#MAGA #dishonesty #trump #courtroom #redemption #remorse
Kotaku: Here’s Red Dead Redemption Running At 60FPS On A Hacked Switch https://kotaku.com/red-dead-redemption-60fps-switch-price-ps5-remaster-1850757788 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamedevelopment #actionadventuregames #handheldgameconsole #reddeadredemption2 #technologyinternet #reddeadredemption #customfirmware #nintendoswitch #redemption #homebrew #reddead
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamedevelopment #actionadventuregames #handheldgameconsole #reddeadredemption2 #technologyinternet #reddeadredemption #customfirmware #nintendoswitch #redemption #homebrew #reddead
Another amazing life story to inspire you to do your best despite the odds… It would be great if everyone could be given a chance for redemption… 🙏❤️🕊 https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/08/16/lawyer-sarah-gad-drug-addiction/
#recovery #addiction #redemption
A Queen of Thieves & Chaos by K.A. Tucker is releasing September 5, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3ZtVYCr
#katucker #aqueenofthievesandchaos #fateandflame #romantasy #romancefantasy #FantasyRomance #Redemption #SecretRomance #EnemiestoLovers #bookish #booklover #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #booklover #bookish #enemiestolovers #secretromance #redemption #fantasyromance #romancefantasy #romantasy #fateandflame #aqueenofthievesandchaos #katucker
A Queen of Thieves & Chaos by K.A. Tucker is releasing September 5, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3ZtVYCr
#katucker #aqueenofthievesandchaos #fateandflame #romantasy #romancefantasy #FantasyRomance #Redemption #SecretRomance #EnemiestoLovers #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #enemiestolovers #secretromance #redemption #fantasyromance #romancefantasy #romantasy #fateandflame #aqueenofthievesandchaos #katucker
Since I can't play music, I decided to take on a prompt, writing about music.
#fiction #shortstories #fictionwriter #amwritingfiction #writerscommunity #blues #soul #dealwiththedevil #fame #LifeLessons #temptation #redemption #fate
#fiction #shortstories #fictionwriter #amwritingfiction #writerscommunity #blues #soul #dealwiththedevil #fame #lifelessons #temptation #redemption #fate
I was just informed that I have been selected to perform at this year's Baltimore Comedy Festival, dates TBD. It will take place in very late August/very early September so (as the saying goes), watch this space!
By the way, this was with the same set that was rejected by a LA-based festival (that may or may not be in Burbank 😉), whose response I posted earlier, thus necessitating the need for said hashing.
By the way, BCF, I thank *you!*
#TomTown #TeamMyers #momenTOM
#redemption #tomtown #teammyers #momentom
Today's #soundtrack comes from the experimental and emotional #KensukeUshio. His double album A Shape of Light is the #OST for #asilentvoice, a beautiful #anime #movie about #bullying, #poverty, #mentalhealh, #disabilty, #redemption, #bodyimage, and #acceptance.
It was one of the best movies released in 2016 and yet few people appear to have seen it. The OST is the icing on a very delicate cake. I do enjoy the diagese.
#soundtrack #kensukeushio #ost #asilentvoice #anime #movie #bullying #poverty #mentalhealh #disabilty #redemption #bodyimage #acceptance
Don't let your past define you. As a young man, Mark failed, deserting Paul and Barnabas. But he was given a second chance and became useful. #Faithfulness #Redemption
This story has it all:
Redemption, forgiveness, compassion, personal growth, courage… and, most importantly, humility.
#lgbtq #pride #bigotry #forgiveness #redemption
Kotaku: Fans Think Red Dead Redemption Might Finally Be Coming To PC https://kotaku.com/rdr2-red-dead-redemption-remake-pc-port-korea-rating-1850587328 #gaming #tech #kotaku #rockstaradvancedgameengine #entertainmentculture #actionadventuregames #taketwointeractive #reddeadredemption #undeadnightmare #grandtheftauto #rockstargames #johnmartson #redemption #reddead #rdr #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #rockstaradvancedgameengine #entertainmentculture #actionadventuregames #taketwointeractive #reddeadredemption #undeadnightmare #grandtheftauto #rockstargames #johnmartson #redemption #reddead #rdr #ps3
#CentOS was analogous the Canary in the #RedHat coal mine.
Some months ago, before #IBM took over, it was alive, it's clearly now Dead.
What has taken it's place, is a facsimile of a Canary. Likely, it is now an Albatross, soon to roost around RedHat's neck, mariner style, but with no #redemption.
Closing Source is just an extension of IBM's slow #Nihilism. And a long term detriment to themselves, with undervalued/seen result of eroding RH skills adoption.
It's no longer a Community enterprise Operating System despite some misguided peoples assertions, here.
CentOS payed back to Community, by being worthy cause, "Long Term Reliability", exchanged for "Active Participation", and .. RH Skills base growth.
'Stream' is just a sink hole device for free community BETA dev hours, to lighten RHEL Paid Devs time at keyboard, no return.
'B' Grading CentOS was 'B' grading the Community Orgs have decided #Community is worth more than RedHats valuation of them, and moved .. rightly so.
#centos #redhat #ibm #redemption #nihilism #community
Piper Lawson has revealed the gorgeous cover for Play Maker, releasing August 29, 2023!
Pre-order today on all platforms!
#SportsRomance #GrumpySunshine #Athlete #AgeGap #BadBoyGoodGirl #FoundFamily #ComingofAge #Redemption #StartingOver
#startingover #redemption #comingofage #foundfamily #badboygoodgirl #agegap #athlete #GrumpySunshine #sportsromance
Kotaku: The Real-Life Dog Behind Red Dead Redemption 2’s Cain Has Died https://kotaku.com/red-dead-redemption-2-real-dog-died-einstein-cain-rdr2-1850548051 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #reddeadredemption2 #alberteinstein #creativeworks #rockstargames #humaninterest #cainandabel #jasonbarnes #videogaming #johnmarston #redemption #videogames #einstein #reddead #cain #jack #has
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #reddeadredemption2 #alberteinstein #creativeworks #rockstargames #humaninterest #cainandabel #jasonbarnes #videogaming #johnmarston #redemption #videogames #einstein #reddead #cain #jack #has
it's a good thought!
ppl wanna think of themselves as good, decent people (not Putin or other psychopaths, but the 99%), and since they've done wrong (anyone has), that kind of cognitive concepts could just cut it.
it may be thought as sin,
or as a cannibal monster spirit Weetiko / Windigo,
or as a "mind virus",
or as an addiction, just like alcohol, drugs or other addiction,
these are at least the ones i've came by.
#rehab #redemption #recovery #weaning