#religiousabuse #domesticabuse #toxicfaith #predatoryleaders If you are out there and want to join me in reaching women victimized by church doctrine, please connect. #Redemptionfrombiblicalbattering
#religiousabuse #domesticabuse #toxicfaith #predatoryleaders #redemptionfrombiblicalbattering
#religiousdomesticabuse #Redemptionfrombiblicalbattering. After 17 year marriage to an abusive monister, I used what I learned in advanced degrees in counseling anf communication to publish the process I used to strengthen in place in order to leave without guilt. Endorsed as a “new paradigm for addressing domestic abuse underwritten by appeals to faith” by board diplomate in marriage and family therapy. ShirleyFessel.com
#religiousdomesticabuse #redemptionfrombiblicalbattering