The audience seems to be invited to try and develop a position that somehow integrates both and overcomes their deficiencies — *dialectic klaxon* —which is... literally what the book I've been working on is about (called Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality). Also they're both very likeable and intelligent people while also being kind of ridiculous and annoying, which is how I'd like to be remembered.
#philosophy #film #movies #cinema #arthouse #RedEnlightenment
#philosophy #film #movies #cinema #ArtHouse #redenlightenment
On the question of 'should we combat fascism with love or with violence?' my answer is: 'both'
(from Red Enlightenment: on Socialism, Science and Spirituality, out soon on
Repeater Books)
#antifascism #socialism #redenlightenment
An interview I did with the Acid Horizon philosophy podcast a while back about my Red Enlightenment book (coming soon)
Touches on topics like how spirituality can play a part in social movement building, Deleuzian ontology and Spinozist ethics, the use and misuse of science, capitalist mindfulness, and 'religious experience' in everyday life.
#philosophy #spirituality #socialism #science #deleuze #spinoza #ethics #ontology #embodiment #mindfulness #RedEnlightenment
#philosophy #spirituality #socialism #science #deleuze #spinoza #ethics #ontology #embodiment #mindfulness #redenlightenment
A longer list of research interests relevant to #RedEnlightenment
#education #consciousness #psychedelia #ChristianSocialism #engagedbuddhism #meditation #mindfulness #enlightenment #radicalenlightenment #decolonising #decolonizing #historyofphilosophy #ChinesePhilosophy #indianphilosophy #AncientPhilosophy #IslamicPhilosophy #spinoza #anthropology #utopianism #historyofscience #dialecticalmaterialism #deleuze #guattari #postmodernism #Bogdanov #ContemporaryArt #mysticism #activism #markfisher
#redenlightenment #education #consciousness #psychedelia #ChristianSocialism #engagedbuddhism #meditation #mindfulness #enlightenment #radicalenlightenment #decolonising #decolonizing #historyofphilosophy #ChinesePhilosophy #indianphilosophy #AncientPhilosophy #islamicphilosophy #spinoza #anthropology #utopianism #historyofscience #dialecticalmaterialism #deleuze #guattari #postmodernism #bogdanov #contemporaryart #mysticism #activism #markfisher
"...[W]hat counts as catastrophic is scale-relative. The fizzing in my glass of cola does not appear significant from the scale of world history, but on a chemical level it is active and transformative, not merely actualising a potential but irreversibly changing the potentials of the liquid as a whole. Rather than privileging “the event” as a special moment, therefore, we can see all of reality as constructed of events on different scales."
from #RedEnlightenment
#redenlightenment #philosophy #spirituality
Might just start tweeting out random quotes from my next book when I get bored. I'll tag them #RedEnlightenment cos that's what it's called