#wacken #wacken2024 #lineup #scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #sickofitall #thewarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #FlotsamAndJetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #ignea #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
#wacken #wacken2024 #LineUp #Scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #Watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #SickOfItAll #TheWarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #flotsamandjetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #IGNEA #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
The real reason we're in #Chicago this weekend: #RedFang, #DinosaurJr, and #Clutch.
#chicago #redfang #dinosaurjr #clutch #metal #stonermetal #concerts #livemusic #music
I like some #music:
#music #beachboys #bjork #blackflag #brianeno #carlyraejepsen #daftpunk #dandeacon #davidbowie #delasoul #devo #el #elviscostello #fionaapple #flaminglips #fuckedup #girltalk #gratefuldead #gruffrhys #jamesbrown #johncoltrane #lizzymercierdescloux #m #ofmontreal #operationivy #pixies #radiohead #redfang #spoon #superfurryanimals #talkingheads #therollingstones #theseaandcake #theymightbegiants #tomwaits #tootsandthemaytals #wire
Going thru my inbox while listening to #RedFang cover #GaryNuman
#redfang #garynuman #music #bandcamp
Red Fang - Blood Like Cream (Official Music Video)
(aka : invasion of beer-drinking zombies. Must watch).
#pouetradio #music #redfang #beer #zombies
#MastoPoésie #pouetradio #RedFang
Canidés qui hurlent depuis les éons distants / Les voici sur Terre pour tout ravager / Par griffes et quenottes ton visage déchirent / Ne tarderont point à effacer la race humaine / Temps venu des adieux à ton postérieur
#redfang #pouetradio #mastopoesie
I usually don't care about music videos, in fact, many times it might ruin the song for me if it's stupid and I can't separate the visuals from the music.
#RedFang videos are usually ridiculous and funny without doing anything to kill the song.
Sometimes I take a break from the #RedFang and #AcaciaStrain and #Sasquatch…
Happy Friday folks. #Snarls, “Walk in the woods” https://youtu.be/0e-EcDHCnjU
#redfang #acaciastrain #sasquatch #snarls
Just stumbled upon this. Sick! #redfang #wires
RED FANG - "Wires" (Official Music Video)
Red Fang - Humans Remain Human Remains
Issu de l’album Red Fang, sorti en 2009.
#redfang #stoner #stonerrock #sludge #metal #pouetradio #nowlistening #AznörthMusique
Ce morceau a tellement tout o/
Red Fang - Prehistoric Dog
Issu de l’album Red Fang, sorti en 2009. Leur premier.
Lien YT car clip mythique comme tout ceux du groupe : création d’armures de GN avec des canettes de bière.
(🔗 bandcamp: https://redfang.bandcamp.com/track/prehistoric-dog )
#redfang #stonerrock #stoner #heavy #beer #pouetradio #AznörthMusique
Cette voix, cette voix !
Red Fang - Dawn Rising
Issu de l’album Whales and Leeches, sorti en 2013.
#RedFang #WhalesAndLeeches
#Stoner #StonerRock #Rock #sludge #Musique
#redfang #WhalesAndLeeches #stoner #stonerrock #rock #sludge #musique #pouetradio #AznörthMusique