Michigan Becomes 20th State to Enact Red Flag Gun Legislation https://politicaliq.com/2023/05/23/michigan-becomes-20th-state-to-enact-red-flag-gun-laws/ #Michigan #GretchenWhitmer #GabbyGiffords #RedFlag #RedFlagLaw #GunReform #shootings #MassShootings #GunViolenceArchive #politicaliq #news #politics
#Michigan #gretchenwhitmer #Gabbygiffords #redflag #redflaglaw #gunreform #shootings #massshootings #gunviolencearchive #politicaliq #News #politics
Not to let a tragedy go to waste in the wake of NYS Red Flag law being shot down in court as unconstitutional Hochul comments on other States not her own
#redflaglaw #guncontrol #CallofcHochul #nys #newyork #moa
Not to let a tragedy go to waste in the wake of NYS Red Flag law being shot down in court as unconstitutional Hochul comments on other States not her own
#redflaglaw #guncontrol #CallofcHochul #nys #newyork
RT @ColoradoSPH@twitter.com
While many sheriffs criticized the CO #RedFlagLaw, research from the ColoradoSPH @InjuryCenterCO@twitter.com shows that many are now using it. @EmmyBetz@twitter.com, the center’s deputy director, discusses this study and its implications.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ColoradoSPH/status/1544698143278878720
#redflaglaw #publichealth #publicsafety
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1236 - Remembering the Parkland School Massacre, and Trying to Learn from It" on @Spreaker #browardpolitics #demoniacresistance #dueprocess #nullification2021 #parkland #politicalcorruption #redflaglaw #stonemandouglassshooting
#stonemandouglassshooting #redflaglaw #politicalcorruption #parkland #nullification2021 #dueprocess #DemoniacResistance #browardpolitics