Watched the third filming of #RedHarvest and if it's the least of them it's only because the first two (#Yojimbo and #AFistfulofDollars) are such great movies. #LastManStanding had great #WalterHill dialog and awful Walter Hill voice over and how did I fail to notice what a terrible actor #BruceWillis was for so long. Still, I enjoyed it, lots of good character performances, shootouts. The best Red Harvest is yet to be filmed.
#BruceWillis #WalterHill #lastmanstanding #afistfulofdollars #yojimbo #redharvest
Toties gada un dekādes izpildītaji ir _as expected_ - #TheBody un #RedHarvest #SpotifyWrapped
#thebody #redharvest #spotifywrapped