Shout-out to both #redhat and #canonical for supporting #opensource for decades, and still doing so.
There's a lot of rightful concern over recent choices: #snap on #ubuntu without an option for a community controllable repository, #rhel sources no longer being easily available/buildable (I'm on the fence on this one). However, my journey started with #redhatlinux before RHEL/Fedora, and #ubuntu onboarded (still does) many #linux first time explorers.
Thank you! Keep up the good fight!
#redhat #canonical #opensource #snap #ubuntu #rhel #redhatlinux #linux
#redhatlinux wird 30 Jahre alt, herzlichen Glückwunsch.
"Da er seine Arbeit bei IBM langweilig fand, begann Marc Ewing 1993 in seiner Freizeit an Linux zu tüfteln und fügte dem Linux-Kernel zusätzliche Open-Source-Plattformen hinzu, um ein Programm zu schaffen, mit dem Menschen Computeraufgaben ausführen konnten. Er verkaufte einige hundert dieser maßgeschneiderten Linux-Versionen und nannte das Produkt Red Hat nach der Lacrosse-Mütze seines Großvaters von der Cornell University."
Web Server Like It’s 1998 with This Restored Internet Appliance #InternetAppliance #Retrocomputing #retrocomputing #RedHatlinux #webserver #cobalt #Web1.0 #raq
#internetappliance #Retrocomputing #redhatlinux #webserver #cobalt #web1 #raq
Web Server Like It’s 1998 with This Restored Internet Appliance - Hackaday readers fit into two broad categories: those who experienced the wild and... - #internetappliance #retrocomputing #redhatlinux #webserver #cobalt #web1.0 #raq
#raq #web1 #cobalt #webserver #redhatlinux #retrocomputing #internetappliance
I thought I discovered a huge cock-up in my software build process where some very critical files were getting overwritten due to file names being repeated. (Same software package, multiple Linux platforms). Turns out it was only for a handful of software packages and if I did overwrite any files, I do of course have backups. Time to make damn sure that is fixed for existing software I've built as well as for all future builds. Yea for file naming standards.
#rhel8 #redhatlinux #Linux #Work
I am finally setting up support for RHEL 8 at work. RHEL 7 is great, but old AF. Part of this work is to build the 40+ software packages I build. These are versions either not distributed, or much newer versions than what is distributed. Some are quick to build, others not. First challenge was to make sure I know what depends on what other packages and build in the correct order. That's now done. Time to add everything to the to-do list and get compiling stuff.
#rhel8 #redhatlinux #Linux #Work
@marqle I thought that it might be some obscure #RedHatLinux command. Apparently not. (-:
@hal_pomeranz Microware OS-9 on a personal Dragon 64, back in the 1980s. Then at work, various Intel boxes from Regnecentralen running SunOS around 1990. In 1996 trying out Red Hat Linux dual boot, and Linux ever since.
#Microware #OS-9 #MC6809 #Regnecentralen #SunOS #RedHatLinux #Linux
#linux #redhatlinux #sunos #regnecentralen #MC6809 #os #microware
#curious #LearningCurve #rock #rnb #jazz #rocknroll #history #mystery #science #Writing #cooking #babyboomer #beatgeneration #jackkerouac #waltermosely #tonyhillerman #mexico #multilingual #northwesteurope #denmark #geneology #england #Hampshire #normandiaspora #beachtime #windows #redhatlinux #doityourself #travel #hiking #walking #exercise #democracy #parrenting #foodie #EarlyAdopter #racing #motorhead #multicultural #he #freedom #veteran #INTJ #notobacco #caffeinerarely #boomer
#boomer #BabyBoomer #beatgeneration #jackkerouac #waltermosely #TonyHillerman #mexico #multilingual #northwesteurope #denmark #geneology #england #Hampshire #normandiaspora #beachtime #windows #redhatlinux #doityourself
Some of my interests
#curious #LearningCurve #rock #rnb #jazz #rocknroll #history #mystery #science #Writing #cooking #travel #hiking #walking #exercise #democracy #parrenting #foodie #EarlyAdopter #racing #motorhead #multicultural #he #freedom #veteran #INTJ #notobacco #caffeinerarely #boomer #babyboomer #beatgeneration #jackkerouac #waltermosely #tonyhillerman #mexico #multilingual #northwesteurope #denmark #geneology #england #normandiaspora #beachtime #windows #redhatlinux #doityourself
Rocky Linux is a community-run Linux distribution which is 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You can follow at:
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#RockyLinux #Linux #Distro #Distros #Distribution #Distributions #GNULinux #GNU #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #CentOS #Business #RedHat #RedHatEnterprise #Enterprise #RedHatLinux #RedHatEnterpriseLinux #EnterpriseLinux #RHEL
#rhel #enterpriselinux #redhatenterpriselinux #redhatlinux #enterprise #RedHatEnterprise #redhat #business #centos #opensource #freesoftware #libre #floss #foss #gnu #GNUlinux #distributions #distribution #distros #distro #linux #RockyLinux
Just started college, again. The first class last night was Red Hat System Administration. Time to learn something new!