Thursday saw a trip to the #guinness #storehouse museum at St James’ Gate Dublin. A fine museum, tasty foot, good music and legendary company. Not a bad end to day three of #redhatter #tecexchange
#guinness #storehouse #redhatter #tecexchange
Lovely light this morning in Dublin at the Convention Centre. Day 2 of Red Hat Tech Exchange. #redhatter #techexchange #dublin
#dublin #redhatter #techexchange
Meeting someone that you have known for years for the first time outside of a screen and webcam is order of the day, if not week. People out of context. Amazement. ACTUAL ‘Face Time’ - wondrous stuff. Here my mentor and I grab a selfie each :) #redhatter #tam #techexchange
So this will be me off to the Red Hat Tech Exchange in Dublin then. I am looking forward to learning and - as a remotee - some hugely overdue colleague time!
#rhte #redhatter #techexchange
@vkc Would love to see the IIgs, but I'm a #RedHatter so I'm also partial to RHEL 4 (which I actually supported back in the mid 2000's when I worked at Merck)