Eric Schutte · @ericschutte
62 followers · 953 posts · Server

@gam3 This article is a red herring fallacy.


Last updated 1 year ago

· @burningbecks
72 followers · 2590 posts · Server

Es gibt allgemein mehr Befürworter für die auf dem Fahrrad, als für das auf der Autobahn.

Beides ist ein und kannibalisiert die Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber wichtigeren Themen.

Fordern kann man vieles, aber erstmal den Montesquieu anzuwenden ist auch heute noch wichtig. 😉
(Danke für nichts, liebe !)

#helmpflicht #tempolimit #redherring #medien

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
99 followers · 1045 posts · Server

: Verra used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big were largely worthless, often based on stopping the destruction of rainforests that were not threatened, according to independent studies. It also found evidence of forced at a flagship scheme co-operated by International in Peru.

#keepitintheground #rainforest #credits #corporations #evictions #conservation #greenconservation #biglie #humanrights #violations #redherring #obliviousconsumption #corporatefraud #conservativevalues

Last updated 1 year ago

· @burningbecks
65 followers · 2263 posts · Server

Vom Wert von 1990 sind noch knapp 60% übrig.
Damals waren es zu 77% Energie, Industrie und Gebäude.
2022 hat sich das auf 71% reduziert.

Setzen wir die 1,9Mt für 130 an (UBA, 2020), waren das 1990 ca. 0,15% und 2022 ca. 0,25%.
Damals wie heute ein .

In dieser Größenordnung müssten wir parallel diskutieren Hunde (ca. 9,5Mt, aktuell also 1,27%), Katzen (5,1 Mt / 0,7%) und Pferde (2,4 Mt / 0,3%) abzuschaffen. 😛

Essen wird übrigens für ~6Mt weggeworfen (aktuell 0,8%).

#redherring #tempolimit

Last updated 1 year ago

· @burningbecks
65 followers · 2263 posts · Server

Vom Wert von 1990 sind noch knapp 60% übrig.
Damals waren es zu 77% Energie, Industrie und Gebäude.
2022 hat sich das auf 71% reduziert.

Setzen wir die 1,9Mt für 130 an (UBA, 2020), waren das 1990 ca. 0,15% und 2022 ca. 0,25%.
Damals wie heute ein .

In dieser Größenordnung müssten wir parallel diskutieren Hunde (ca. 9,5Mt, aktuell also 1,27%), Katzen (5,1 Mt / 0,7%) und Pferde (2,4 Mt / 0,3%) abzuschaffen. 😛

Essen wird übrigens für ~6Mt weggeworfen (aktuell 0,8%).

#redherring #tempolimit

Last updated 1 year ago

Corstorphine Chiro · @corstorphinechiro
13 followers · 115 posts · Server

Most problems that chiropractors treat wouldn't show up on scans or x-rays, and occasionally they can show red herrings that muddy the water.

If there is anything we aren't sure about or are worried about, we can arrange for you to have an x-ray privately or refer you back to your GP for further investigations.

#xray #scan #investigations #faq #faqsday #faqs #chiropractors #chiropractic #edinburgh #Corstorphine #drumbrae #redherring #examination #safe #safetyfirst

Last updated 2 years ago

Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 536 posts · Server

Skeptoid #74: A Magical Journey through the Land of Logical Fallacies - Part 2 by Brian Dunning The second part of our exploration of logical fallacies.

#redherring #poisoningthewell #loadedquestion #statistics #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1610 followers · 640 posts · Server

A very good theory, but not necessarily "has to be." We also saw Jack making some deals with some people early on. Even those walk-on roles could lead to something.

Plus, you have the various computers and A.I. being referenced. Previous seasons also addressed artificial life. This season could be a "ghost in the machine" storyline.

So far, this season has been very well written. I would assume they did a good job of hiding and camouflaging any suspects.

A good mystery has misdirection. The author leads you to focus on the wrong suspect before revealing the true killer/villain. Jack could just be the misdirection, the .


Last updated 2 years ago

broVbro 🇺🇲 · @broVbro
26 followers · 216 posts · Server

How do we tell the difference between a politically motivated investigation of criminal activity and an investigation of criminal activity that is not politically motivated. What signs should we look for?

#redherring #cognitivebias #adhominem

Last updated 2 years ago

Regan King · @biowebguy
92 followers · 309 posts · Server

I title my journals based on changing themes. They provide the cornerstone for the mise en scène of my writing. A month into a new book and I’ve got nothing. So, I’m trying to define the device. Is it a , a , a , a , a , a , an (x)? What device do you use to better observe the ineffable? As a quasi “throw away,” what duty have we to identify with it, serve it, thank it, or let it go?

#fetish #muse #macguffin #redherring #philosophersstone #huntingblind #f #writersblock #themeblock #commodification

Last updated 2 years ago

mrpieceofwork · @mrpieceofwork
321 followers · 9441 posts · Server

Please pass this around... seems many people in these haunts are not familiar with the concepts.

Also please add to them.

(this is in response to all the people passing around examples of politicians being idiots... a lot of it is merely for show and should not be taken too seriously, and should not have so much energy spent on it)

#spectacle #redherring #falseflag #diversion #psyops

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1291 followers · 1527 posts · Server

Rule #1 of counterdisinfo: DON'T PICK UP THE IDIOT BALL.

That means, when the is rolling out one of their endless disgusting psyop nothingburgers, don't amplify it in the process of critiquing it.

Don't fall for the false equivalency. If you hear yourself saying: "Well, yeah we really should find out why Biden had those classified documents." Or "You know we really should, at long last, get control of our borders, this can't continue."

What you're doing is validating shit that has nothing to do with reality. It's ALL red herrings.

Not even the most batshit republicans are remotely concerned about the contents of their .

(Because they're all pure power plays.)

They're designed to confuse and deflect.

Learn about how this , , shit works, or remain a useful idiot for

#GQP #idiotballs #bothsidesing #whataboutism #redherring #idiotball #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

proedie · @proedie
47 followers · 2960 posts · Server

17 Minutes into an almost two hour and I have a very strong suspicion who the is... I HOPE this cheezy character is a . 🧐

#whodunnit #murderer #redherring

Last updated 2 years ago

· @burningbecks
60 followers · 1808 posts · Server

Meine persönliche Einordnung ist, dass die ganze „Debatte“ sowieso ein ist, wir also in ALLEN anderen Bereichen mehr für Sicherheit, Klima usw. usf. tun könnten, falls wir (und vor allem die Medien) ENDLICH mal die Aufmerksamkeit dorthin richten würden.

Es ist quasi nochmal der - zugeschnitten auf Deutschland.

Alter Thread dazu:

#scam #CO2Footprint #bp #redherring

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Rosendal · @robert_rosendal
168 followers · 78 posts · Server

Columnist Friesch Dagblad @syb: "Jawel. is een die om de zoveel jaar weer tevoorschijn getoverd wordt. Niet als oplossing - daar hadden coalitiepartijen al onder Balkenende mee moeten beginnen. Maar inderdaad als permanente afleiding."


#kernenergie #redherring

Last updated 2 years ago

jelco · @jelkedel
41 followers · 445 posts · Server

@Strandjunker that's is a broken metafor as it simplifies objectivity. If you mean journalists need to do fact-checking, you can't be wrong, of course, it's trivial, that is in the job description.

Then again, if the building is big enough and the office is on only one side so you can only see through the windows on the south side, you might miss the rainbow that was clearly visible, for a whopping 10 minutes, on the north side. No rain there. A new half truth created. Good work.


Last updated 2 years ago

RS · @sfwrtr
17 followers · 87 posts · Server

This is a word that might need to be established via hockey references depending on your target demographic. Since the alternate meaning could lead to cute/racy situations, I'd say write it. You might get away with explaining after the fact, but take care as with all ; don't let hockey-nerd accidentally become a in you story.


She got a big mischievous grin on her face, already red from too many beers. She bumped her hips into his, and considering their size and him being already unstable on his feet, he crashed into the bushes.

"Hip-check!" she cried as he watched, bewildered, then realized she was playing hockey with a broken branch in her drunkenness.

Problem: Will liking hockey change the story's direction?

#jargon #redherring #writingadvice #writerslife #writingcommnunity

Last updated 2 years ago

HaplessIdiot · @haplessidiot
29 followers · 255 posts · Server

@hkrn I wanna know who paid that bail he had less than a million dollars apparently so who dug him out of shit creek? There are so many crypto bros that could do exactly the same shit why bail him out instead of just finding another


Last updated 2 years ago