In 1668, Francesco Redi described about 180 parasites and invented the scientific control. #Poetry #Science #History #Parasites #Redi (
#poetry #science #history #parasites #redi
Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston toimipisteiden määrä kasvaa! Uusi kirjasto tulee Kalasataman Rediin. Kasvava kaupunginosa tarvitsee palveluja. #uusikirjasto #kalasatamankirjasto #redi
#redi #kalasatamankirjasto #uusikirjasto
#ReDI #school #NRW #Düsseldorf:
#FutureSkills for the #DeepTech #industry #ProblemSolving #Workshop
#Digital #integration #STEM #skills #support #refugees #Flüchtlinge #aktiveHilfe #flüchtlingshilfe #CSR #sozialengagiert #social #engagement
#redi #school #nrw #dusseldorf #FutureSkills #deeptech #industry #problemsolving #workshop #digital #integration #stem #skills #support #refugees #fluchtlinge #aktivehilfe #fluchtlingshilfe #csr #sozialengagiert #social #engagement
Now we only need to hope those spam bots are not intelligent spam bots that understand that they now need to generate invites for other spam bots.
#redi project - do not even think about it 😃
@hiemstra kijk maar eens op
#REDI students to the rescue?
@hiemstra @jantrienes @BeerendGerats
I think it does make sense!
The source message of this thread would have been recommended #REDI 🤣 (ok not really rolling)