The excessive #exploitation by humans means horseshoe crabs now are listed as “Moderately Depleted” on the IUCN’s #RedList. Migratory birds who rely on horseshoe crab eggs, including the #RedKnot and #PipingPlover, also are disappearing at alarming rates.
Meanwhile, synthetic #alternatives — which don’t involve a single drop of horseshoe crab blood — have been approved and are in use by several major pharmaceutical companies.
#alternatives #pipingplover #redknot #RedList #exploitation
#darwin #australia
This wildlife corridor may be bulldozed as soon as this week for a #defencehousingaustralia development that is less than 10% military housing. There are #endangered species in the area such as #gouldianfinches, #redknot, #fareasterncurlew in the area. Please contact the Federal Environment minister Tanya Plibersek and NT Chief Minister Natasha Fyles.
#saveleepoint #darwin #australia #defencehousingaustralia #endangered #gouldianfinches #redknot #fareasterncurlew
Seriously, Elon Musk is an asshole.
#SpaceX #Texas #Environment #Ecology #ElonMusk #PipingPlover #RedKnot #Birds
#Birds #redknot #pipingplover #ElonMusk #ecology #Environment #Texas #SpaceX