Kim Stanley Robinson: Red Mars
I know: late to the party. But it is pretty great. Looking forward to the next one.
#kimstanleyrobinson #redmars #scifi #bookstack
#SciFiPrompt "Space Elevator"
With cable and a counterweight,
I transfer goods, deliver freight,
In two directions: up and down.
And at my base, a booming town,
Beneath a sky of orange and bronze,
Is founded on Pavonis Mons,
Whose height and place along the equator,
Make it ideal for a space elevator.
#poetry #shortpoems #riddlepoems #sciencefiction #mars #redmars #space #technology #science #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity
#scifiprompt #poetry #shortpoems #riddlepoems #sciencefiction #mars #redmars #space #technology #science #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity
There are so many good new books coming out every month, and it can feel like a disservice to those writers to indulge in backlist reading, but there is a lot to be said for revisiting beloved works of decades gone by. I am *so* glad to have read Temeraire at last - I haven't been this excited to read something I missed the first time around since I read #RedMars 12 years after its initial publication:
Why Not Mars. By Maciej Ceglowsky | Idle Words
«The goal of this essay is to persuade you that we shouldn’t send human beings to Mars, at least not anytime soon. Landing on Mars with existing technology would be a destructive, wasteful stunt whose only legacy would be to ruin the greatest natural history experiment in the Solar System».
#mars #marssociety #redmars #space
Scientist Proposes Building a 50 Acre 'Forest Bubble' on Mars
(30 years later.)
Guess he got around to reading 'Red Mars' (1992) the first of the science fiction trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson and took it to heart. (Does he give credit where credit is due?)
#Science #Books #Mars #RedMars #KimStanleyRobinson #CreditDue #ForestBubble
#forestbubble #creditdue #kimstanleyrobinson #redmars #mars #books #science
@potatocubed @stelo Sort of. I haven’t done much with the community rules yet (though that’s changing soon).
But I’d recommend #TheFoundersTrilogy by Robert J. Bennett. #TheCityInTheMiddleOfTheNight by @charliejane. #RedMars by Kim Stanley Robinson. #TheStarsAreLegion by @Kameronhurley. #Wanderers by @chuckwendig (the connection will make sense later)
#thefounderstrilogy #thecityinthemiddleofthenight #redmars #thestarsarelegion #wanderers
Notes -
DMG - 1980 publication
Neuromancer includes the sequel #CountZero and sideways linked #MonaLisaOverdrive
Dice is a biker magazine.
Wired before 1997. Wired after 1997 is shit.
RedMars includes the trilogy
#7books #foucaultspendulum #moravagine #zenandtheartofmotorcyclemaintenance #redmars #coldmountain #thedungeonmastersguide #neuromancer #7periodicals #mondo2000 #wired #thenewyorker #dragon #dice #harpers #countzero #monalisaoverdrive