Wurde gestern gefragt, wie ich diese elektronischen Geräte gelernt habe.
Da jeder musikalische Weg ein wenig anders ist - und ich viele Dinge selbst noch nicht verstehe - empfehle ich dann gern dieses Video von #RedMeansRecording:
"A Mostly Thorough Guide to Learning #ElectronicMusic Production"
#redmeansrecording #electronicmusic
He's always been brilliant but #RedMeansRecording is now easily my fave tech #YouTuber
Because he actually fucking cares about people.
Every comments page, every forum is stuffed with Clarksons, gammons, flagshaggers, TERFs and outright Nazis.
So this video is like a glass of cold, superfuckingtasty water in a desert of fucknuts:
Go give him a follow: @jjbbllkk
#TransRights #SynthesizersAreTrans #ComputersAreGay #WendyCarlos #MutableInstruments
#mutableinstruments #wendycarlos #computersaregay #synthesizersaretrans #transrights #youtuber #redmeansrecording
#RedMeansRecording featured the below site during his ep on #DrumNBass, it's an interactive history of #ElectronicMusic :
Pretty cool cos you can click on a genre and hear snippets of bands from that genre.
#electronicmusic #drumnbass #redmeansrecording
I'm gonna keep posting this every week till every musician and producer is aware that #SpitfireAudio is founded, owned and run by a #transphobe who is as smug in his hatred as he is duplicitous in his "severing ties" with the company.
Please watch #RedMeansRecording break it down: https://youtu.be/4JxJUITSb8A
And, again, fuck #ChristianHenson fuck that Hogwarts game and fuck anyone who supports transphobia.
#christianhenson #redmeansrecording #transphobe #SpitfireAudio
An unexpected video from #redmeansrecording, who I usually watch for music gadget insights. But this is about transphobia infecting an element of the music community. Lengthy and detailed. Particularly impressed by the section at the end explaining how transphobic antagonists will prey on people's fears and "give you something to take the pain away but it will be at the expense of other people". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JxJUITSb8A
It's good to see #BennJordan and #RedMeansRecording calling out #SpitfireAudio for Henson's transphobia. But I'm still seeing too many YTers promoting their products.
Fuck Christian Henson, fuck Spitfire Audio, fuck that shitty Hogwarts game and fuck you if you support transphobia in any way.
#SpitfireAudio #redmeansrecording #BennJordan
for musicians who work with Spitfire Products like LABS or Pianobook
christian Henson is ruinin everything with transphobic stuff
a video from #Redmeansrecording
its just crazy
#spitfireaudio #redmeansrecording
"I don't care if it hurts. I want to have control."
Jeremy - my most favorite "synthfluencer" - about #music technology brands and their relationship with content creators.
#music #synth #redmeansrecording