#SailfishOS for #RedmiNote7 is now under a new maintainership, and a new build has been released!
You can download it here: https://github.com/sailfish-lavender/builds/releases/tag/20230317
Report bugs here: https://github.com/sailfish-lavender/builds/issues
#lineageos #LineageOS181 upgraded smoothly, by adb side loader for #xaomi #redminote7
#lineageos #LineageOS181 #xaomi #redminote7
Touchscreen working on #RedmiNote7 mainline kernel!
I had a bit difficulty moving the window as it's way too small!!
Call me crazy, but #i3wm on #RedmiNote7 is kinda interesting..
BONUS: with es2gears running
The #RedmiNote7 was the best selling phone of 2019.
So here is that device running #XFCE4 and #postmarketOS.
#redminote7 #postmarketos #xfce4
20 hours later.. (because i accidentally fall asleep)
Okay so we got the phone to ring, let's see how we can make sounds coming from it! #RedmiNote7 #UbuntuTouch
Hey everyone, I'm currently working on a #SailfishOS port for the #RedmiNote7.. not sure how well the result will be, but let's see.