D'après le Washington Post, le forum où a eu lieu la fuite des documents sur l'Ukraine était principalement fréquenté par une vingtaine d'hommes et adolescents qui aiment "les armes à feu, les équipements militaires et Dieu" https://www.bfmtv.com/tech/cybersecurite/fuite-de-documents-confidentiels-americains-pourquoi-la-plateforme-discord-est-pointee-du-doigt_AD-202304140138.html
#rednecks #extremedroite #virilstoxiques
Do you think #JustinPearson , a freshman representative in the state legislature of #Tennessee , would have an op-ed piece printed in the #NewYorkTimes if not for the blundering incompetence of the #GOP ? The ignorant #rednecks managed to turn an annoyance for them into a weapon with which to batter their bigoted party across the whole nation. That's why #justinjones thanked them; the stupid, #racist #hillbillies just handed one of the best weapons against them yet to their opposition.
#hillbillies #racist #justinjones #rednecks #gop #newyorktimes #tennessee #justinpearson
Do you think #JustinPearson , a freshman representative in the state legislature of #Tennessee , would have an op-ed piece printed in the #NewYorkTimes if not for the blundering incompetence of the #GOP ? The ignorant #rednecks managed to turn an annoyance for them into a weapon with which to batter their bigoted party across the whole nation. That's why #justinjones thanked them; the stupid, #racist #hillbillies just handed one of the best weapons against them yet to their opposition.
#hillbillies #racist #justinjones #rednecks #gop #newyorktimes #tennessee #justinpearson
Are there any people here who consider themselves #Rednecks, who are also #liberal, or even #left of liberal? I'm not one exactly, but those influences are in my blood and in my culture and it kind of puts me in a weird spot. Can anyone identify? I'd love to have a convo with #TraeCrowder about this stuff, but I imagine he's busy being a full time comic and podcast host.
#culture, #cultures, #ScotchIrish, #ScottsIrish
#rednecks #liberal #left #traecrowder #culture #cultures #scotchirish #scottsirish
Just proves #Republican #rednecks are incapable of appreciating #art
#ERADICATE the defense budget!
#gunownership #rednecks #Religion #eradicate
A thread:
I've been thinking the last few months:
#rednecks have an undeservedly bad reputation. Racism, xenophobia & small mindedness are the exception, not the norm.
I come from a long line of "Finnish rednecks", and quite proud of it:
My maternal grandfather was a lumberjack, paternal grandad a "horse whisperer" (yes), uncle a pig-farmer. More cousins, second cousins, uncles & aunts than I care to count had farms, bred cattle or horses.
All lovely, hospitable, community minded folk.
(2+end) @Jaden2
..into this story? As I understand this is unique in American history. Whites (#Rednecks) and #Blacks fighting for their rights together. I tried to give you some sources here, but I am not complete.
The word 'Redneck' is also used for 'Poor Crackers', white people who lived in poor conditions. They lived in the same conditions as 'freed slaves'.
That's the reason to look into this.
#blacks #rednecks #blackhistorymonth
I went to school..well...sometimes...in North Texas for the last half of my public education .
Even those rednecks didn't ban books. They may not have known how to spot a dead bird ..look on the ground ..but the books remained on the shelves in classes .
#floridafkup #desantisdisinfectant #rednecks
It’s cool that #WWE is remembering #ChrisBenoit as a person who won the #RoyalRumble from number one. I suppose if you have to promote the hate-filled #Kane / #glennjacobs , it’s quite appropriate.
I hope today was a tryout. Don’t sign that sandbag #niajax is not signed.
We going over 4 hours because of a music performance from someone I’ve never heard until tonight.
There is no such thing as #countryrock. #Hardy just sold me on him being shit. #rednecks and #instagram shan’t be celebrated
#wwe #chrisbenoit #royalrumble #kane #glennjacobs #niajax #countryrock #hardy #rednecks #instagram
TSA finds huge antitank gun in Texas passenger's luggage
Everything is big in #Texas. Size of #rednecks and their guns included. Only deficiency is in the brains department.
not my mom judging me for using reusable bags because they're ""dirty"" lmao #rednecks
So #Vlad is now wiling to negotiate. I'm ok with the people of #Ukraine not wanting to give land to #Russia. Fuck em. I never thought that #Putin would go this kind of crazy. #Trump would do the same if in power. Fortunately for now, voting matters. Rednecks won't get their way. We can shut the country down in protests. #Rednecks are not critical thinkers.
#vlad #ukraine #russia #putin #trump #rednecks
#Rednecks #arkansas #KeepItClassy Spotted this gem on the way home from buying groceries today. I can't facepalm hard enough.
#rednecks #arkansas #keepitclassy
@ModelUki2 I forgot to mention how I know this. I was born, raised and still live in #Alberta. I am not a #Conservative and I don't like #politics. I also did spend 8 years working in #Saskatchewan before this pandemic. And there as well as the rest of #Canada think of #Alberta as a bunch of #Rednecks. I also didn't mind when I was living in #Saskatchewan people making fun of #Alberta either.
#Alberta #conservative #Politics #saskatchewan #canada #rednecks
Carey Price devrait réfléchir à prendre sa retraite plutôt que de "réfléchir" au contrôle des armes à feu.
Dans une rare sortie publique, le joueur de hockey Carey Price a joint sa voix à celle d’un lobby proarmes plongé dans la controverse en critiquant le projet de loi remanié du gouvernement Trudeau sur le contrôle des armes