Looking for old friends and new in the field of #rarediseases #cellbiology #redox #medicine #science. Still kind of #newhere
#newhere #science #medicine #redox #cellbiology #rarediseases
Supporting increased #crop growth by regulating the #expression of #genes that support #nitrogen_fixation.
#agriculture #FoodSecurity #redox #signal #transduction #NifLA
#crop #expression #genes #nitrogen_fixation #agriculture #FoodSecurity #redox #signal #transduction #nifla
I've spent 20 years with an IBM Model M. Then a couple of keys stopped working and I moved to a Filco Majestouch 2 TKL and after pandemic we started working partly from home, so bought a GMMK 1 TKL to keep it in office.
Now I'm thinking to move to an ergo split thing, presumably the #Redox by #FalbaTech even if I'm partly scared by the different layout.
I'm a software developer but I don't need much speed: as far as typing won't hinder my thinking, it's fine.
So, ich bin dann auch mal in der #redox Welt angekommen, danke @asatothabaddon 😘🍷
Mein erster Eigenbau. Eine handverdrahtete #Redox Splittastatur. Darauf wird jetzt das geliebte #Neo2 geübt, bisher fühlt es sich noch sehr ungewohnt an.
My first build, a #handwired #Redox split keyboard. I'll use it with my beloved #neo2 layout, at the moment it still feels pretty unfamiliar.
#mechanicalkeyboards #handwired #neo2 #redox
#Phosphorylation of phase-separated #p62 bodies by #ULK1 activates a #redox-independent stress response
Masaaki Komatsu, Nobuo Noda, Yoshinobu Ichimura and colleagues
#phosphorylation #p62 #ulk1 #redox
Follow her to know more about her current and future research. More #redox papers to come soon and I am sure more out of the box research in the next step of her career. We miss you in the lab Natalia, but the world will benefit from your next contributions. 2/2
Nowa instancja, nowy ja? 🤔 W każdym razie wypadałoby się przywitać #introduction
Na co dzień (i czasem od święta 😬) grzebię w komputerach w jednym z warszawskich #gamedev (kto pracował w gejmdewie ten się w cyrku nie śmieje), po godzinach czytam niewymagającą literaturę, śmigam na rowerze do Góry Kawiarni i z powrotem, klikam na mechaniku (no dobra, w godzinach pracy też - w domu #keychron, w robocie #redox, oba na 67g Equalz Tangerines) i gram w gry (ostatnio głównie #Battlefield2042 i #StardewValley, kocham #MassEffect i #Cyberpunk2077). Staram się też nadążać za 3 kotami, dwojgiem dzieci, żoną i psem (kolejność przypadkowa).
Cierpię na Syndrom Sztokholmski spowodowany oglądaniem meczów #LiverpoolFC (dziś się udało, tylko lekki stan przedzawałowy). I rechoczę z memesków ze śmiesznym panem z rzułtą twarzą ;)
#liverpoolfc #cyberpunk2077 #masseffect #stardewvalley #battlefield2042 #redox #keychron #gamedev #introduction
Wondering about the #Redox #MechanicalKeyboard and its fancy keycaps set with external 1.25u keys and 6 1.5u keys in the middle...
The search for a reasonably compatible keycaps set begins!
The EGFR #phosphatase RPTPγ is a #redox-regulated suppressor of promigratory signaling
Maitreyi Joshi, Philippe Bastiaens et al show that #RPTPγ is coupled to autocatalytic, ligandless #EGFR #phosphorylation by a ROS-mediated toggle-switch, enabling ultrasensitive EGFR activation at the plasma membrane
#phosphatase #redox #rptpγ #egfr #phosphorylation
The #Vulcan #IDIC philosophy -- Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations is seen in efforts like these. I love the fact that there's so many odd variations of hardware available like the #Pine64 devices, and even more niche stuff like #Precursor and #Reform. And so many interesting alternate OSes like #Haiku, #SerenityOS, #Redox, and so many more.
#vulcan #idic #pine64 #precursor #reform #haiku #serenityos #redox
@rust_discussions interesting article. I wonder, what schema (ECS or functional, reactive programming or something else) is used in #orbital that is used in #redox. @soller , do you know?
@kev While I debatably operate many thousands of #Linux machines, and my primary workstation at work is #macOS, my primary personal machine runs #iPadOS, and when it’s not adequate I’m usually remotely connected to a #BSD or #Illumos derivative. I’d love time to play with #Redox.
Wow, hashtag-ing keywords is obnoxious.
#redox #illumos #BSD #ipados #macOS #Linux
and identification of #redox mechanisms controlling the host response to virus infections. These women in science are amazing and do exceptional research. They are the rock of our team 🙏🏻 5/5
"#Redox-#Flow-#Batterie: Flüssige #Stromspeicher als Game-Changer für die #Energiewende?" ...
#batterie #stromspeicher #energiewende #redox #flow
Today I learned about the redox ladder and its use in wetlands ecology.
#redox #wetlands #ecology
#Redox-sensitive #oligomerization of specific #cysteine residues makes #autophagy receptor #NDP52 a sensor of ROS from damaged #mitochondria, which initiates #PINK1/#Parkin-mediated #mitophagy
Victor Korolchuk and collaborators, University of Newcastle
#redox #oligomerization #cysteine #autophagy #ndp52 #mitochondria #pink1 #mitophagy
Still catching up on yesterday's #baseball news. I'm so glad Kenley didn't end up with the #sfgiants (or #aaronjudge but that's totally different). Jansen on the #giants would have been just wrong on so many levels!
#baseball #mlb #hotstove #boston #redox #dodgers #losangeles #braves #atlanta #sanfrancisco #bayarea
#baseball #sfgiants #AaronJudge #giants #MLB #hotstove #boston #redox #dodgers #losangeles #braves #atlanta #sanfrancisco #bayarea