"Red-pill" influencers preach gym and game, but here's the real secret to their lifestyle: steroids and escorts.
Read more at my #blog: https://www.adamasnemesis.com/2023/08/28/the-real-red-pill/
This post's featured image is WIlliam-Adolphe Bouguereau's "Nymphs and Satyr".
#blog #redpill #life #lifestyle #beauty #dating #masculinity
As a man who struggled mightily to find dating when I was younger, I appreciated hearing this common sense dating advice from a man that doesn't resort to the shallow gimmicks of the manosphere.
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn, #dating, #Manosphere, #Men, #Redpill
#beauofthefifthcolumn #dating #manosphere #men #redpill
ネットで聞く情報には気をつけてください #blackpill #ひきこもり #redpill #aminlogic
#blackpill #ひきこもり #redpill #aminlogic
This is some of the best, common sense dating advice I've seen. They need to hear it from a man. I wish I'd had someone to tell me these things in my 20s and 30s. I would have avoided a lot of suffering. #Redpill has got to go.
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn, #Dating
#redpill #beauofthefifthcolumn #dating
I would take #Barbie's brand of the patriarchy over the #redpill's vision of the patriarchy any day.
#barbie #redpill #kendomforever
Konspirationsteoretikern vägrar tro på det som kommer från etablerade institutioner, det mö vara universitet, stora förlag eller gamla dagstidningar. Allt är lögner.
Om konspirationsteoretikern var konsekvent skulle den inse att det inte finns större skäl att lita på någon som säger saker på Youtube.
Världen är med andra ord en mardröm där det är omöjligt att veta vad som är sant. Det finns inga röda piller.
#konspirationsteorier #redpill
Konspirationsteoretikern vägrar tro på det som kommer från etablerade institutioner, det mö vara universitet, stora förlag eller gamla dagstidningar. Allt är lögner.
Om konspirationsteoretikern var konsekvent skulle den inse att det inte finns större skäl att lita på någon som säger saker på Youtube.
Världen är med andra ord en mardröm där det är omöjligt att veta vad som är sant. Det finns inga röda piller.
" Die #Mannosphäre bezeichnet antifeministische Männerbünde im Netz. Die Wissenschaftlerin ist besorgt: „Die Räume der Mannosphäre sind nicht mehr abgetrennt.“ In sozialen Medien erreichen sie viele. So sickern auch ihre Ideen durch, sagt Temel. Die Politik müsse #Antifeminismus ernster nehmen. Denn: „Diese Leute verschieben Debatten – spätestens, wenn sie bei Tiktok, Instagram oder Youtube geklickt werden.“ " #incels #redpill #mysogynie #frauenhass #femicide https://taz.de/Rechte-Red-Pill-Cyberkultur/!5941468/
#mannosphare #antifeminismus #incels #redpill #mysogynie #frauenhass #femicide
@splorp @stewf Wait, how far back does Veer go? #redPill #bluePill #matrix #rabbitHole #tickerTape #retroComputing #cardSorting #rackServers #ComputerHistoryMuseum!
#redpill #bluepill #matrix #rabbithole #tickertape #retrocomputing #cardsorting #rackservers #ComputerHistoryMuseum
"Die Sehenden sind es nicht, die sich für sehend halten, immer nur die Blinden."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
"Die Sehenden sind es nicht, die sich für sehend halten, immer nur die Blinden."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
"Die Sehenden sind es nicht, die sich für sehend halten, immer nur die Blinden."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Meet my new pet hedgehog, Morpheus! 🦔 He's got spikey hair just like me, ready to face the Matrix. Chose the #RedPill life for this little guy! #Hedgehog #MatrixPets #NeoAndMorpheus
#redpill #hedgehog #matrixpets #neoandmorpheus #bitbook
Yesterday at the gym I overheard a woman in her late 50s who just started working out. She was widowed 6 months ago. Her husband started having trouble when his left arm stopped functioning. He had a stroke and took out the clot. A week later, he had trouble breathing.They found more clots in the brain and lungs. He died soon afterwards.
The wife said the doctors assessed him with a "rare condition" in which the body starts clotting after a certain age.
And the wife totally bought it.
I know a lot of us here have awakened to the fact that there is a sinister agenda afoot, but there are a lot of other people who are completely clueless. More often then not when I suggest that the vaccine is responsible for their health condition, people completely shut down on me, refusing to listen.
Sometimes it's frustrating to open people's minds.
#redpill #bluepill #clotshot #vaccine #vaccines
Florida came out ahead with 256,000 net new people and $39.2 billion in net new taxable income.
Texas was the runner up with an AGI income gain of $10.9 billion, followed by Nevada with $4.6billion. North Carolina and Arizona rounded out the top five with net gains of $4.5 billion and $4.4billion, respectively.
So you’re saying it’s even better Today! The data used is based on tax returns filed in 2020 and 2021.