The translator and poet Bill Porter, aka Red Pine, is raising money to support his elderly sister who suffers from advanced dementia. #RedPine #BillPorter
“In the spring there is no moon
the moon is in the sky
I sing this one song
a song in which there is no Zen”
—Cold Mountain, sung and translated by Red Pine.
#coldmountain #poetry #redpine
#coldmountain #poetry #redpine
When they discover that I study the Heart Sutra, people often tell me they enjoy Red Pine's translation and commentary.
While the many egregious errors and untruths in that book would be burdensome to recount, at one point (p 137) he comes so hilariously unstuck in his inept attempts at grammatical analysis that I wrote a blog post about it.
#heartsutra #redpine #grammar #sanskrit #buddhism