He had such high hopes. Then came the #redripple followed by #georgesantos
#redripple #georgesantos #powercorrupts
It looks like the #RedRipple hit a #BlueWall.
#Election2022 #bluewall #redripple
Good morning #Fediverse - I’ve got a really important question. What should we call the election results from last Tuesday? #redripple #redtrickle #redwhimper #redwedding
Depending on the result I will use the hashtag from here on out.
#redwedding #redwhimper #redtrickle #redripple #Fediverse
Meet the Trafalgar Group, the pollster that convinced Republicans that there would be a red wave https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/11/trafalgar-group-terrible-polling-2022.html
Don Jr takes break from social media after humiliating midterm posts | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/midterm-elections-2022/donald-trump-jr-midterms-elections-republicans-b2222473.html
Wisconsin Republicans fail to achieve veto-proof majority | Wisconsin Public Radio https://www.wpr.org/wisconsin-republicans-fail-achieve-veto-proof-majority
UB40 - Red Red Wine (Red Ripple)
#redripple #goptears #republicanhangover
Looks like the election deniers are having a tough night. #RedRipple #uspolitics